Send one and internal effects

Felonious Punk

Feb 6, 2021
Gear owned
After reading and applying the Mark Richards (thanks Mark) production tip involving using outboard gear during mixdown with my DP-24sd I discovered that you can use the internal effects and outboard gear on send one simultaneously :) Yay!

I know this isn't news to everyone here but it was to me so I thought I would share :)

Yes, that's been mentioned before. It's not in the manual though and I remember discovering that and being pleasantly surprised that plugging a cable into the Send 1 jack does not break the normal.
@-mjk- Thanks for the reply. As I think about it I realize it is indirectly covered in Mark's production tip when he points out you should turn off any internal effects. It hit me about 10 minutes later. It takes awhile sometimes :) I just assumed it would be disabled. I tested in with my Sansamp and it works great.

I am left wondering what order the two effects are in. I tried to figure it out using the block diagram but I don't see any clues. That doesn't mean they aren't there. It is just a matter of curiosity.

Not sure that you mean by the order. Are you referring to the Send vs. Insert FX?
No, the send vs. internal.

The send one outboard effect vs. the internal effect.

Again, just a matter of curiosity. If it sounds good it is good but, as you know, there is much discussion about effect order.

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They're in parallel so there's no 'order'.
If you look a the block diagram, the signal to the right of the Send Master1 level control splits; one goes to the right to the DAC and output socket, the other goes up and left to the send effect input.
Video #5 shows the output path at approx 12m35s, or if you want to see the whole signal flow, it starts at approx 6m55s.
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Yes, what Phil said (watch is why I asked). There will be a propagation delay through the outboard loop of course.
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They're in parallel so there's no 'order'.
If you look a the block diagram, the signal to the right of the Send Master1 level control splits; one goes to the right to the DAC and output socket, the other goes up and left to the send effect input.
Video #5 shows the output path at approx 12m35s, or if you want to see the whole signal flow, it starts at approx 6m55s.

Thanks, Phil. That makes sense. I did notice that split of the sends but I couldn't find the actual insertion of the internal FX placed on the diagram. Every other effect in the machine is placed in a specific spot on the diagram but I couldn't find the internal effects specifically. That is just an observation (or perhaps an oversight on my part) I'll check out the videos...again :).

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@Felonious Punk, the send FX are sidechain effects so they aren't actually "inserted" into the signal path. They are mixed in as a sidechain. The Insert FX are another story altogether.
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They're in parallel so there's no 'order'.
If you look a the block diagram, the signal to the right of the Send Master1 level control splits; one goes to the right to the DAC and output socket, the other goes up and left to the send effect input.
Video #5 shows the output path at approx 12m35s, or if you want to see the whole signal flow, it starts at approx 6m55s.

There is so much info in these videos that I can't retain it all in one pass. Thanks for pointing me to what I missed the first time.

I don't know why they chose not to frame the effects send section of the block diagram like they did the Input and Track sections. I may not have missed it if they had.

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No worries FP - I frighten myself sometimes when I look through those videos to find things :)
I guess the reason they didn't frame it is because the send system involves a lot of the diagram - the pre & post routing, the send buses and the send outputs - which are just part and parcel of a traditional mixer, whereas the send effect itself is just a boxed unit, no different to the guitar insert effect and the dynamic effects.

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