Set up DM 3200 as a control surface for both Logic and Pro tools


New Member
Mar 14, 2014
Gear owned
DM 3200
I'm trying to set up my Dm as a control surface for Logic and Pro tools. I've set up pro tools already but when I try to set up Logic on the remote page I get a message saying " Already Assigned ". Please tell me how to remedy this problem so I can set my Dm to use Both

You're talking about using your DM in the Remote layer for PT and Logic simultaneously? I can only assume yes because obviously both are supported by the DM separately. I don't believe that implementation can work since the MIDI port assignments for the Remote layer can be used by one application at a time.
If it's not simutaneous you're looking for, I suggest to save your Protools/DM project to the CF card in the mixer. Then set up the mixer for Logic functionality and save that as a project too.
Ah duh. That's what he probably meant Arjan. Yeah...uhhh...what Arjan said! :-)

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