Setting up DM3200 with Samplitude Pro X


Jan 19, 2014
Gear owned
Tascam DM 3200 + IF-FW_DMMK II

I want to hook up my DM3200 with Samplitude, but currently can't get it to work. I know I made a description 8 years ago, but was stupid enough to save it to my computer. After spending the last hours searching in my usual folders I gave up^^

What I did so far:
- Went to MIDI page on my DM via ALT+ 8 on Screen Mode/ Numeric entry field. Then hit cursor key to go to SETUP

- There I did the following:
made sure USB: 5 REM1 und USB: 6 REM2 show closed connections. That's all I remember so far...

Next: ALT + REmote to go to Remote Page. I chose M MC Steinberg ID 01, Chase --, TRA shows a circle with play symbol, Rec shows elipse with dot in it. Oh, and State shows a double headed arrow pointin left/right. That's all I remember so far...

Ain't got the slightest clue what to do in Samplitude. I know I found a description once but can't even remember if it was german or english.

All hints very welcome! Any Samplitude users out there?

kind regards,
Did you add 2 Mackie Controllers in Samplitude using MIDI Inputs/Outputs 5 & 6?
The instructions on how to set up a DAW are on Tascams's website located in the download section for the DM3200. Even though there's not a specific document on how to setup Samplitude, they are all set up the same way.
Ah thanks - found it:)
It' s a bit tricky, though^^

I managed to gain back control over Samplitude - but it took a lot of sweat! Now, once it's done, it's quiet simple, but fiddling things out - phew, I knew why I once noticed each and every setting! If someone needs instruction on this - let me know.

I just couldn't get the potis to work as they used to: pressing remote on the DM and then the EQ/AUX-Button I could manipulate Samplitudes Channel EQ for the selected track. It's been potis 1 to 12, whereas 1 was gain for EQ-band 1, 2 was Q-factor for band 1 and 3 was frequency for band 1. This continued to channel 12 for a total of four bands in Samplitude.
Now I can only make use of the DM channel potis 1 to 8, although I assigned two Mackie Controls in Samplitude (one Mackie protocol, one Mackie XT). Somehow also the order is mixed up. It's more like poti 1 = gain, poti 2 = frequency for band 2, poti3 = Q-factor for band 1; Don't know what happend, but I can't get to fix this. Guess they changed something in Pro X 3...

Quick question: do I have to always press Remote on my DM to access control over my DAW? Might be a stupid question, for remote is what I seek. But then I think I can remember someone saying he doesn't use remote layer on the DM at all (for DAW purposes).

Anyway: thank you, maffia - you've been of great help, as always :)
best regards
Do you need the CPS files which should map everything correctly?
Site wont allow zip or cps files so if you want to try them then PM me and send me your email address.
A pm is on your way! Thank you very much!
Somehow also the order is mixed up. It's more like poti 1 = gain, poti 2 = frequency for band 2, poti3 = Q-factor for band 1; Don't know what happend, but I can't get to fix this. Guess they changed something in Pro X 3...
I think it's the correct order, isn't it?
How is it working for you now?
I think it's the correct order, isn't it?
How is it working for you now?

Well, cps didn't do the trick, but you can reassign the potis manually - that's what I did. In earlier versions, Samplitude had just 4 EQ potis, so with the 12 potis on the DM everything was fine - by default I got:
DM Channel 1 poti --> SAM EQ poti HF = frequency gain
DM Channel 2 poti --> SAM EQ poti HF = frequency
DM Channel 3 poti --> SAM EQ poti HF = Q factor
DM Channel 4 poti --> SAM EQ poti = frequency gain MF
It might have been from Low to High-Frequency back then - I don't remember exactly, but the order war f gain, f value, f q for one particular poti.

I'm still on Pro X 3, and assigned them in the way described above.

best regards,
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you said " but you can reassign the potis manually - that's what I did."

How do you do that?

Because in customize controller in Samp X3, each time I turn potis it detects "Knob (relatPanorama (Track x) (Slot 1)"... Even if I touched "Assignment Eq" button before
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And by the way, could you confirm to me that with DM3200 controlling Samp, you have smooth feelings with DM3200's faders with about 0.1dB steps in Samp? And when reading automation volume, the DM3200's faders react smoothly and without noise too?
Thanks a lot
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you said " but you can reassign the potis manually - that's what I did."

How do you do that?

The best way of doing that is not by the learn-function. You can "hardwire" controler behaviour in the controler set up menu.
OK, I will have to do this from memory for now, so I hope it works. If not - please tell me, and I will look at my machine. But as far as I remember:
1. In Samplitude press Y-button for settings dialog
2. On the far left there must be some kind of menu called "Controler" or "Machine and controler".
3. By clicking that, you simply gain access to the dialog where you can set up your Tascam. Now on the right hand side there is either a submenu or another tab where you can find the assigned commands - where you can customize Samplitude shortcuts, etc. Since the potis send out midi commands you can patch them here the way you like.

Midi-learn in a project just works for the current session, and was therefore always pretty useless for me. Dunno if they changed that in X4, so...

And by the way, could you confirm to me that with DM3200 controlling Samp, you have smooth feelings with DM3200's faders with about 0.1dB steps in Samp? And when reading automation volume, the DM3200's faders react smoothly and without noise too?

0.1dB steps totally work for me - so fine tuning a dB value is not an issue. If you encounter problems with the resolution, there might three things to check I can think of right now:

1. Your Tascam provides a tweak of fader resolution. I remember I came across this in the manual, but never had to make use of it. I believe you'll find it under OPTIONS or DIGITAL/SYSTEM on your DM.

2. Almost the same applies for your DAW. Samplitude has also a way of calibrating the fader resolution (it's in the same dialog as the controler settings btw). I never got my hands on it - as I said before, 0.1dB resolution is no problem for me. It's sometimes just a little, little touch on the fader, so you almost can't feel the motor working.

3. Your driver version for the DM. The latest is some beta I think, but it works perfectly well under Win10 here.

3+. Skip through some channels and check, if they all behave the same. The touch functionality of your motorfaders is provided by a small current flowing through the faders all the time. I only had ONCE during a live situation some trouble, when the air was too dry, and I remember every time I reached for the faders I got a static shock. If your air humidity is too try (or maybe too high) you really might encounter troubles with the touch functionality.

If you want to, I can provide you with a step by step setup guide I made for my DM and Samplitude a few years ago. There is every detail concerning the console as well as the DAW explained. Unfortunately it's in german, but if you don't need it right away I could translate it for you.

kind regards
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Thanks Snafu,

I don't have yet the DM3200 (probably next week), just the DM-24 for years, so I know very well the customize controller par in Samplitude.

So my question was if you got 0.1dB step with the DM32000 and Mackie control? If yes it's just what I want because with the DM24 and Mackie Hui, it's only 0.5db step which is really awfull feeling when mixing 52" documentary with a lot of volume automation.

Yeah I'd really like that you send to me your "step by step setup guide", as I'd learned German in school (I'm french), it should be ok with the help of a web translator , if not I'll ask you some help on some parts.

So concrats to your new DM3200! :-) In fact I'll try to get a second one later the year.

I can send you my personal "How to" guide as pdf. Send me a pm, and drop off an email adress.
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Hey Snafu,

I just sarted a pm/conversation with you ( with my email inside)

I'll get my DM3200 on Thursday! I can't wait :)

For your interest, I just found what's buggered me from quite some time in Samplitude with disappearing crucial and fundamental features in the menu "customise controller", so I created a post in Samp board, hoping the devs will correct that in future updates of this great software...
I just got mine yesterday, it's a pure beauty.
The Dm3200 had 100% success with Diagnostic mode :)

It's a big step up over my beloved DM24 (got it in 2002), same flexibility but with 1024 faders resolution, 16 encoders, Mackie Control, more power and more Audio stuff :)))

It works great in Samplitude with Cubase/Mackie control mode, only missing "push button" function for the encoders (so no plug in assignment capable, perhaps I'll buy an x-Touch mini or a Korg NanoKontrol 2 for this feature).

I'm customizing all that, replacing record keys by mute keys and so using mute keys for Samplitude shortcuts (Editing, Automation, Menu…)
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Congrats zerascal :)
Glad to hear you like what you got. I must admit I didn't come across push button ever since (or maybe I did but used another term for it) - care to tell what push buttons are used for?

Have fun exploring your new tool;)
Thanks Snafu :)

I'm talking about rotary encoders that have 2 functions : first is be rotated and the second is to be pushed to activate or disable an Eq for example, or to choose a plugin, or on/off an aux etc...

Mackie controllers are design to have and use 2 functions encoders.
Dm3200 has only one function encoders so we miss some features.

For example with a proper Mackie controller when you move the gain from an EQ with an encoder, if you push/click the encoder, then the gain reset to zero (default), if you push it again, then the gain comes back to the previous value.
If you want to assign other functions to your faders/potis you can make use of the flip function (e.g use the potis as faders). Maybe it's not exactly what you want, but this - combined with the controller assignment in Samp - you can maybe have different functionality.

Let me see...
I use my potis in normal situations as balance potis. If I press layer change, they control the eq of the selected channel (where we come full circle back to the initial post ;) Ch1 pot is low frequency gain then, ch2 pot is low frequency value then, ch3 poti is low frequency q then and so on)...
yep sadly Faders and encoders are same controllers except faders have touch function. I tried to change the function of the " touch" with no effect.
To control plug in with Mackie Control, encoders with switch On/Off are needed to activate the choosen plug in fx in a track(fx1 with encoder 1, fx2 with encoder 2 etc).
Once you have activate the plug in, you can fully control all his parameters with the encoders or the faders if you Flip.
It's a very nice feature of Mackie Control, I tested it with the X-Touch (before I returned it due to horrible noisy and stuttering faders motor) but we can't have this feature with our beloved DM3200 ;)

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