Sharing Studio Ideas

Heh heh. Well, I did see some of your video tours and I think you're too modest. Your place looks great too - maybe less space, but lots of possibilities, and most importantly: Great music coming out!
I pasted this in from another thread, figured it would be good to share this in the appropriate place :)

A little messy but here's a couple quick pics. THe desk that the DM-3200 is installed into is a custom one I had a local builder do for me (and it was still less than an Argosy 70 series at the time!). It was impossible to find a desk for a large-ish console like this where it was not the center piece so custom was the way to go. I LOVE that desk, it's built to my spec and does pretty much everything I wanted it to do ;)

Mixing Workstation.JPG

Keyboard Rig
Keyboard Rig.JPG
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Hi Gary,

Those look like JBL monitors, probably 306 or 308s. A friend was asking me about them a few weeks ago and I don't have any experience with them. If I'm right about them being the JBLs, how do you like them?

BTW, pretty roomy in that studio; lots of room for more stuff, or better yet, an actual band. I've been guilty of putting too much stuff in mine and having room for only 1 or 2 other musicians - never enough room. You're more disciplined than I.
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Hi Skier, yes they’re the JBL 306 MkII. They are very good, they’ll handle anything you throw at ‘em.

Yes I like a lot of room.:)
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