Size Matters (Buffer)


Staff member
Oct 2, 2012
Queens, New York
Gear owned
2 x DM3200, DA-3000
For those of you with powerhouse computers running your DAW, what buffer size are you using? For larger projects, do you find yourself having to change the size when you've finished tracking and are mixing down?
128 works well for me and no I don't have to change after tracking I only get problems if I run a limiter of ssl bus comp on the stereo out, the latency goes way off. I don't mix with them on just for reference.
Is that just straight audio with plugins or are you also using virtual instruments as well? How many audio tracks are you talking about using 128? What OS?
I can easily track 24 tracks live with plugs and outboard bussed I've never had to do more as yet. In mix down I can add more audio with duplicates etc and lots of aux like para comps. The only instrument that can slow me down is Vienna.
what OS and DAW software? Your machine specs?
10.7.6 Logic Pro 9 iMac 2.5 12 gig ram
All is working perfect now. Got everything tweaked just right on the new workstation. Just waiting for sweetwater to send me the UAD-2 card. It feels good to be somewhat top heavy with this new PC considering that what I had been using before was approaching 5 years old.
Good stuff. Could you help me with this. Just got a 4800 and trying to route my 3 adat cards to my converters. I don't have a fw card is that the best option but I do still want to use my converters. Would you have any advice on routing. I'm getting it slowly but this I my first digital mixer and finding the routing tough to get around.
cmaffia said:
All is working perfect now. Got everything tweaked just right on the new workstation. Just waiting for sweetwater to send me the UAD-2 card. It feels good to be somewhat top heavy with this new PC considering that what I had been using before was approaching 5 years old.

You did the right thing, Charlie. My PC's about where your previous rig was - albeit a few years newer. It serves me well most of the time, but there ARE moments when it's - shall we say - a bit LAME! :shock: Not a deal killer yet, but something to consider.

Nice to read success stories in the ever changing world of power-audio-computing.


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