Spare parts DM-4800


Jan 10, 2018
The Netherlands
Gear owned
Currently in between gear
Hey guys,

Fresh new member from the Netherlands here.
I'm considering a DM-4800 on offer, but it seems to have a few minor faults, such as some knobs missing. Worst thing is a broken fader.
I have tried to search the forums, but the search function seems to be kaput so sorry if this has been covered elsewhere. In short: is it easy to get a hold of spare parts for the DM-3200/4800?

Yeah.. Search on this site is like impossible.
I got a back up mixer for parts and ended up using it to cascade 2 mixers together.
I thought the search on the forum broke too but then I realized it defaults to GOOGLE results. Click on the SITE RESULTS tab and you will see it will search the site just fine.
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Many thanks..
This is a little easier than reading the entire forum...
Hey guys, many thanks. Already feels like a warm bath here. :)
You know what, I just made a deal. Going to pick it up tonight. *happy dance*.

Thanks, @Peter Batah, It's still there. A bit steep price, I'll wait and see which of the faders is broken. I didn't realise I have to switch out a whole fader board for that. Coming from a Mackie controller this seems quite odd, since you can switch out any fader individually.

EDIT: actually the price is not so bad, however paying half of the price for shipping feels like overkill to me.

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Just called the guys at Hanex here in the Netherlands and they actually have the fader I can use to replace the faulty one. Just to let any Dutch member here know there are spare parts indeed and you don't have to order for ridiculous prices from the US on Ebay. :-)
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Ok, I have a question regarding the fader replacement. Does this mean I have to solder on the fader board PCB? To be honest, I have never done this on a PCB. Is it something a layman could do, or do I have to turn the console in for repair?

Related question: the button for layer one is flaky and has to be pressed real hard. Is this something that can be replaced? I can get the bracket and the plastic button, but is this also a problem on the sub board?

And lastly, one of the encoder has been broken off. I can get a new one, but I could also glue the top back on. Again: is replacing a doable job, or does it involve soldering as well?

When these three things are solved, the mixer is in mint condition, apart from some missing knobs (8 to be exact, all light grey ones. Anyone having a couple of spare ones? :-).

Thanks again guys.
@Marvel I can't speak for anything other than the "flaky button" DeoxIT did the trick for me. Haven't had an issue since. Good luck!
Thanks @Peter Batah! That was a great tip. Bought some today, opened up the DM and lo and behold, this button is working flawlessly again.

I took the opportunity to try some stuff on the fader motor. First of all, the thing is soldered, so this will be a no-go for me. Unfortunately, I didn't get it to work. (Wasn't really expecting it to, haha). What I did do, is swap out the two 8 fader boards. It doesn't make MUCH difference, but still, I am using channel 8 a lot more often than channel 16. :-)

Now I am thinking of buying a DM-3200 cheap (I can get one here for 700 euros) and use it for spare parts, and/or sell the parts to who might need it. What would a meter bridge sell for nowadays?
I am in the east of the Netherlands. However, if you could solder, I wouldn't need to buy the DM-3200 for spare parts, I could settle for one fader with motor, which sells for 35 euros. :-)

Mind you, the 3200 comes without a FW-card, or did you mean the unit which holds the card?
Hey Headroom, that's extremely nice of you! Thank you and I would love to use your generous offer.
However. :-)
Something remarkable happened. Well maybe not so remarkable. When I opened the casing to clean the layer one button, I also took a look at the fader board, as I explained above. Figuring the motor was gone anyway, I sprayed a generous amount of fader lube inside the fader AND in the very small holes around the edge of the motor. (I know, everybody always says not to use that stuff!). Of course nothing happened. The fader never moved an inch.

Until two days later. I was playing around with the fader on channel 15, and to my amazement, fader 16 moved with it (they're paired for stereo)! So apparently the motor wasn't completely gone, maybe some dirt and/or bad contacts. Strangely enough, some hours later the fader wouldn't move anymore, but the next day it was working again. So far so good since.
For anyone interested, it was DeoxIT Fader F5. This is supposed to be especially for carbon lined contacts, as I assumed the faders on the DM are. So I figured this is definitely a motor with a carbon kernel, so I have nothing to lose. :-) I really sprayed a lot in and around it. Guess I was lucky.

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Well, maybe not. :-)
I notice the fader is not working when the Dm has just been switched on. So perhaps operating temperature has something to do with it. What could it mean in terms of what could be wrong with the fader motor and what can be done about it?

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