I have just proved the ssd in x48 and these are the results, before nothing commenting on certain things that seem to me to be interesting:
In the version MK2 it is really easy to be able to change the hard disk, in spite of the fact that it has many plates of metal that makes difficult the access to the different parts of x48, it is possible to take from him easily the sata cable of the hard disk and put above other one, since there is sufficient space in order that between.
The motherboard is gigabyte, it has two connectors sata, one dedicated to the principal Hard disk and the other to the extension esata of the part of behind of x48, this connection could be use to connect internally another hard disk or partition the new one with the tool of the system.
The memory that has x48 mk2 is kingston.
Ok, to put the ssd hard disk i have just only open the x48, remove the sata cables and energy cables from the otoginal hard disk and conect to the new one.
With the system recovery disk put into the dvdrom boot the x48. Appers and a error with the host, but the cd becomes to load the installation system.
Its take only 4 minutes.
When finish the installation, without the cd recovery disk on the dvdrom, boot the x48 and all perfect, the noew sytem into the ew ssd works great!
The first thing i do its to recorder 48 tracks at 96 and 24 bits, and works great, no drops, no error buffer problem or other thing. The record is 6 minutes.
I have record on video de boots or the different HD to see the difference in time boot.
With the original Disk, the time to star the system its 1:00 minutes and with the ssd disk 0:49 second.
I think the difference its not to big, I was hoping that I was going down of 20 seconds.
In the tool Drive Benchmarking, i have compared the two units, and in these case the difference are to big:
Original Hard Disk 7200 rpm 1 Tb:
48k 24bits read 190 tracks, write 122
96k 24bits read 95 tracks, write 61
Ssd Disk Ocz Vertex 2
48k 24bits read 768 tracks, write 332
96k 24bits read 384 tracks, write 166
Numbers impressive, but for the usefulness that has x48 they do not concern at the moment of the work.
Very easy to put a new drive or replace the original
a second sata connection to a second hard disk conection, the dvdrom its ide port.
Ssd its stable to record and do not give problems to record with the bufer or other inssues while recording 48 track at 96k 24bits
There are no significant differences of speed boot system