Stereo and Mono tracks


New Member
Feb 18, 2015
I'm sure this thread already exists but I haven't been able to find anything for the question I have. I'm thinking about purchasing a Tascam dp32 and I used to have a 2488. I was wondering why there are a select number of mono tracks and stereo tracks. I understand the difference between mono and stereo. I just don't understand why (example) 1-8 are mono then the next 12 tracks on the console are stereo. Is it to save space on the console or does it serve a specific purpose to group tracks together (exp.) 12/13 14/15 . Can the stereo tracks be selected as one mono track at a time. record on 12 then something else on 13. I apologize if there is already a thread on this subject.
Hello ctownflat,

No, on the DP-32 the 12 stereo tracks and the 8 mono tracks aren't some genius configuration or something, its just Tascam's way of designing that unit, and its the marketing departments dumb *ss who came up with the dumb idea that its a 32 track machine, in reality its a 20 track machine with 12 stereo tracks that can be changed to mono, the first 8 mono tracks however are hardwired, now why on earth did Tascam create a 20 track recording unit and then have the nerve to pawn it off as a 32 track unit.......I don't know, but a true 32 track unit would have 32 physical faders, and a 33rd for the master fader, whether or not it had stereo or mono tracks, you will find that the stereo tracks can not be manipulated independently, they are simply a composite of a single track, Right and Left, you can however change them to mono if you choose.
Gee, you got gypped. Better read up on the next thing you think about buying so you don't get so violently screwed.

My DM3200 does 32 digital mono channels in and out, plus another 16 live inputs for a total of 48 channels at mix down, and can link adjacent channels as stereo pairs... But only has 16 physical faders. So, I guess it's not "true." Or something.

If you're going to whine, just do it once, please. Your lack of understanding doesn't mean the unit sux. Also, commas aren't periods.
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