Stuck exporting my song


Jan 13, 2018
Gear owned
Recorder, Guitars, Keys
Tascam DP-32sd:
I ran a USB Cable from my Tascam to my Computer. I did everything on the DP32 that Phil Tipping instructed us to do. When that completed, I looked at the computer and saw nothing! I can’t find any evidence, whatsoever, that any music transferred. Puzzled!
When I transfer a WAV file, I use my computer mouse to drag the WAV file from the folder displayed on my computer (the contents of the folder is actually on the DP) onto the desktop of my computer. The computer briefly shows a status box while the file is transferred, and then an icon and name show on my computer desktop.

I hope this helps.

Matt B
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Thank you for your input, Matt B. My problem is... absolutely nothing shows-up on my computer. In Phil Tipping’s tutorial, immediately after transferring tracks, his screen reads “Computer.” On my Windows 8, it reads “My PC.” Both show the same type of info.
The major difference is... after transferring tracks, a “DP-32 Icon” pops-up on Phil’s screen. On my screen, “Nothing” pops up. For some reason, it is as though I never connected the usb cable. I will troubleshoot, or trace-down what I am doing wrong. Thanks again.

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