DP24. I am a semi-newb. I recorded/mixed down/mastered my first song. Then I decided to add a Title. When I did it I used the "Save" command in the Song Menu. It wound up making a copy of the song with the new title and keeping a version with the old title (Song_01 or something similar). Using the new (titled) song. I went into the mixdown/mastering mode to see if the Mastered track was there. It was and I played it through. But then I could not exit the Mastering mode. It was stuck. I tried a number of approaches including re-recording the master, to no avail. Ultimately I powered the whole unit down. That worked and got me back out to the Multi tracking screen on repowering. Am I missing something? Is there an intermediate step I needed to do to get out of that mode, or was that a glitch?
Thanks! Looking forward to a lot of learning.
Thanks! Looking forward to a lot of learning.