UPDATE 05/10/2016 : SOLVED Read New Posts at the bottom
I’m an audio enthusiast from Argentina and college Sound Engineer student. I own an SX-1 which I love, but now it’s not working properly after a Thunder Storm electric shock…That machine is my life and work source so i'mtemporarily without a job and my studio is closed. I already tried to fix it by all possible means with no avail. Some people have pointed me out Redbus could be of good help with this issue!
I will now proceed to detail the troubleshoot/issue, I know it’s a long text but I would be forever grateful if somebody with he proper knowledge reads it through.
-My SX-1 was connected to a surge protector/UPS and had a LCD Monitor though VGA cable that was connected to a regular AC outlet (unprotected). The electric shock passed though the AC outlet to the monitor and then trough the VGA cable to the SX-1 video card and burned it.
-The SX-1 boots and works fine, but the Video Card does NOT. It displays the interface in dimmed grayscale, which makes it near impossible to work with for more than 5 min without severe eye fatigue.
So me and my brother worked tirelessly trying to troubleshoot the issue and fix it with no avail in the following order:
1-Tried to make the burned video card to work again:
Changed every setting in the Bios related to video - Made a clean install of BeOS 1.52 in a different HDD - Took out the motherboard battery for Bios hard reset
Asides for the grayscale issue, we could not determinate the cause of this problem looking visually to the video card…all capacitors looks ok, mosfets, smd resistors…nothing looks “burned” even with a magnifying glass. We changed the original APM3055L mosfet with a MTP3055E to troubleshoot if it was a voltage issue. Since it displays a dimmed grayscale picture we thought it could not be receiving the right amount of voltage.
2- Tried with lots of different VGA videocards from the same year span (ATI-NVIDIA):
They boot and outputs video signal in color but with a smaller resolution (it looks like under the influence of a zoom, cutting off a lot of the screen UI. For example: in the channel view, it’s impossible to reach the EQ or the compressor settings cause they’re “outside the screen”), so you miss a lot of the interface (its not an option)
3- Bought a video card replacement for the SX-1 from Ebay, the ATI Xpert 2000 Pro 32 MB VGA 2x AGP:
It boots and output video signal in color with the wrong resolution (you miss a lot of the interface, as before). We ran the BeOs install disc and started the “Diagnostic Test” function, all the cards seems to be “detected” for an exception of the videocard which shows up to be “UNREACHABLE” WITH EVERY SINGLE REMPLACEMENT WE TRIED.
I just don’t understand why it’s not detected. Is somebody aware if the Tascam engineer team asked ATI for a modified version of the ATI Xpert 2000 Pro? Could it be that they used different drivers than the OEM version?
DO SOMEBODY KNOW A WAY TO CHANGE VIDEO RESOLUTION IN THE SX-1? The main interface lacks any kind of “resolution” menu even in the Settings section. You can change the video refresh rate but not the resolution. IS THERE ANY HIDDEN TRICK WE MAY HAVE MISSED?
At this point we’re on lost tracks. Could it be fixed by touching something in the motherboard? I’m starting to think about crazy fixes like some tweaking of the BeOs injecting the right drivers so it can detect the new videocard and output the correct resolution…I’m really lost.
Its truly sad for us to have this wonderful machine not functional for such a silly but nevertheless important issue of not outputting the correct resolution and not having any kind of menu to fix/change that.
But we are optimistic it can be fixed, it must be fixed, there must be a way...i just haven't found it yet. We really need this machine and can't afford a new one (even if we could its very hard to find one for sell).
Any kind of help will be appreciated !
I’m an audio enthusiast from Argentina and college Sound Engineer student. I own an SX-1 which I love, but now it’s not working properly after a Thunder Storm electric shock…That machine is my life and work source so i'mtemporarily without a job and my studio is closed. I already tried to fix it by all possible means with no avail. Some people have pointed me out Redbus could be of good help with this issue!
I will now proceed to detail the troubleshoot/issue, I know it’s a long text but I would be forever grateful if somebody with he proper knowledge reads it through.
-My SX-1 was connected to a surge protector/UPS and had a LCD Monitor though VGA cable that was connected to a regular AC outlet (unprotected). The electric shock passed though the AC outlet to the monitor and then trough the VGA cable to the SX-1 video card and burned it.
-The SX-1 boots and works fine, but the Video Card does NOT. It displays the interface in dimmed grayscale, which makes it near impossible to work with for more than 5 min without severe eye fatigue.
So me and my brother worked tirelessly trying to troubleshoot the issue and fix it with no avail in the following order:
1-Tried to make the burned video card to work again:
Changed every setting in the Bios related to video - Made a clean install of BeOS 1.52 in a different HDD - Took out the motherboard battery for Bios hard reset
Asides for the grayscale issue, we could not determinate the cause of this problem looking visually to the video card…all capacitors looks ok, mosfets, smd resistors…nothing looks “burned” even with a magnifying glass. We changed the original APM3055L mosfet with a MTP3055E to troubleshoot if it was a voltage issue. Since it displays a dimmed grayscale picture we thought it could not be receiving the right amount of voltage.
2- Tried with lots of different VGA videocards from the same year span (ATI-NVIDIA):
They boot and outputs video signal in color but with a smaller resolution (it looks like under the influence of a zoom, cutting off a lot of the screen UI. For example: in the channel view, it’s impossible to reach the EQ or the compressor settings cause they’re “outside the screen”), so you miss a lot of the interface (its not an option)
3- Bought a video card replacement for the SX-1 from Ebay, the ATI Xpert 2000 Pro 32 MB VGA 2x AGP:
It boots and output video signal in color with the wrong resolution (you miss a lot of the interface, as before). We ran the BeOs install disc and started the “Diagnostic Test” function, all the cards seems to be “detected” for an exception of the videocard which shows up to be “UNREACHABLE” WITH EVERY SINGLE REMPLACEMENT WE TRIED.
I just don’t understand why it’s not detected. Is somebody aware if the Tascam engineer team asked ATI for a modified version of the ATI Xpert 2000 Pro? Could it be that they used different drivers than the OEM version?
DO SOMEBODY KNOW A WAY TO CHANGE VIDEO RESOLUTION IN THE SX-1? The main interface lacks any kind of “resolution” menu even in the Settings section. You can change the video refresh rate but not the resolution. IS THERE ANY HIDDEN TRICK WE MAY HAVE MISSED?
At this point we’re on lost tracks. Could it be fixed by touching something in the motherboard? I’m starting to think about crazy fixes like some tweaking of the BeOs injecting the right drivers so it can detect the new videocard and output the correct resolution…I’m really lost.
Its truly sad for us to have this wonderful machine not functional for such a silly but nevertheless important issue of not outputting the correct resolution and not having any kind of menu to fix/change that.
But we are optimistic it can be fixed, it must be fixed, there must be a way...i just haven't found it yet. We really need this machine and can't afford a new one (even if we could its very hard to find one for sell).
Any kind of help will be appreciated !
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