Tascam 12 and Live Mode - Gain vs. Fader


New Member
Nov 29, 2023
Gear owned
Model 12
I am slowly working my way through learning how to use the Model 12.

The DAW Control part was relatively easy, but now I'm working through learning how to use the mixer as, well, a mixer with outboard gear attached.

Here is my issue: I am testing Channel 1 and have a drum machine attached to it. When I play the machine, I have the gain knob at 12 o'clock. What I want to do is to use the fader to control the channel's level. When I slide the fader all the way down, it does not affect the gain volume at all.

When I do slide the fader, I see the green meter level decrease until it goes away. Also I learned that when I listen through my headphones, I hear the audio fade as I turn the fader down, but I can still hear the output over the monitors.

I think I am close, but need some guidance on how to solve this one. Thanks!
Hi @Velanche, welcome to the forum! Channel fader is placed at the end of the signal path, when operated it affects the level sent respectively to Main Mix, Sub bus, Aux1 Send (if set after-fader) and Aux2/Fx Send. It doesn't affect neither Gain (preamplification), which depends only on the Trim knob position, nor channel track recording level, which is always pre-fader; Main Mix recording level can be set pre- or post-fader. Can you please elaborate what you are doing with the Model 12 and what is exactly "wrong"? Are you using headphones or speakers (if yes, where are they connected to)?
Thanks for the welcome, @Max Relic!

My desired usage of the Model 12 in my home studio are the following:
- A DAW control surface
- Attach and route outboard gear for live performing and jamming (with or without a computer)
- Eventually make use of the multitrack recorder,especially when I do not have a need to depend on the computer

As mentioned, I think I can get around the DAW Control, though I do wish that I can MIDI map some additional controls, especially for automation.

My auto setup is a little complex.I am using Rogue Ameoba's Loopback application, because I wanted any audio out to be routed to my Apollo Twin X interface. I have gotten that down yesterday, but the faders have no affect on the audio out to the mains; only the trim knob does. When I listen through my headphones, I can hear and see the track levels when I move the fader up and down, but to the main speakers that are plugged into the Apollo, the fader has no effect.

If I want to do a live performance with the Model 12, or just jam with multiple outboard gear (synths, drum machine, etc.), I wish to use the faders to control the volume on each channel, and wish to use the other knobs such as pan and some of the effects to dial in and adjust before and during playback.

I eventually would like to use the recorder, but at the least I wish to get the above working as best I can.

I know it's a lot here, so feel free to hit me up if you need more details. Thank you!
Hello! No, was just clarifying that the things I am trying to do are all outside of DAW mode. I wanted to do all of what I listed in Live mode, but in looking through the manual the details are either scant, or I'm just in need of directions to get through getting to know what are those items necessary for the job at hand.
That's fine. The Model 12 is primarily a small stage mixer with 1 sub group and 2 aux sends: you simply have to connect an instrument, push the assign button(s) (Main / Sub), raise the channel fader to the "0" position then set the Trim to read an average -12 dB in the channel meter (look at thin horizontal line in the LCD screen). Now raise the Main Mix fader and you should see the LED meter alive; drag the channel fader down and the LED meter should fade out accordingly. If you have monitors connected to the XLR Main output you can listen accordingly to the above.
Headphone monitoring is a playfield on its own, in that there is a bunch of additional controls (per channel and general) and settings (accessed via the menu) that conspire to panic you: it's the well known "no headphone sound" syndrome. :)
Tascam put some visual indicators here and there but chances are you won't see them when the syndrome kicks in. All you have to do is sit down and analyze the controls on the Model, the answer is there. And also hidden in the manual, of course. I recommend studying the block diagram at the end of the manual, answers to many questions raised in this forum are found there.

P.S: Look at the sticky topics at the top for a collection of helpful tips&tricks and tutorials. Last but not least https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF530FrdrBy4QfW2mjKkEvhdC5SLLVGYX
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Thanks for the welcome, @Max Relic!
My auto setup is a little complex.I am using Rogue Ameoba's Loopback application, because I wanted any audio out to be routed to my Apollo Twin X interface. I have gotten that down yesterday, but the faders have no affect on the audio out to the mains; only the trim knob does. When I listen through my headphones, I can hear and see the track levels when I move the fader up and down, but to the main speakers that are plugged into the Apollo, the fader has no effect.

What you describe looks like you are sending audio out from the Model 12 to your other interface. If you haven't changed the settings, the default for the Model 12 is to send the signal from after the gain knob, but before the compressor. There are two other options, one to send after compressor and another to send after EQ, I don't think there's a way to send after the fader, but you can try the after EQ option to see if that includes the fader. This is under the "mixer" settings in the menu.

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