So recently i had the opportunities to track a few bands live. So i cleared the unit up and formatted the hard drive. I tracked the 1st band on friday and it was 6 tracks from the board for about 2 hours at 16bit. After like 3 hours of exporting to fat i had a power failure. I was like crap i hope all isnt lost? Powered it up and it was good to go. No missing data. I looked in the export folder and two of the tracks had exported so i copied them off and they sounded fine. I didnt have time to export the rest so i packed it up and off to show #2. I recorded the 1st band under song#2 with no problems. Recorded the next band under song #3 and no issues. However, on the last band about 10 minutes in i look at it and its just showing a message that says something like internal system failure.. I had no other option than to just power it down. upon power up it started a new song. So i just armed the tracks and hit record. about 5 minutes in another crash and this happened about 5 times in a row and eventually the band was done playing and i was left with just a bunch of empty songs. I figured that would happen with no successful save event in between crashes. All the other bands data was safe and exported fine but i am wondering what could have caused these errors? What should I have done differently? Signs of an aging unit? Time to upgrade? Please chime in if you have any experience with this... Thanks in advance,