Tascam 302 Double Cassette Deck - Head doesn't turn


New Member
Feb 21, 2015
Gear owned
Tascam 302
The head of deck 2 doesn't turn. The cassette-door is locked.
What to do?

I also search a the service manual from this deck.

It needs new belts. I had a similar-quality Tascam cassette deck (a 102mkII single deck) with identical symptoms and learned the belts were worn out. I got the appropriate belt kit, but the repair was a bust. Seeing as how I was at a point in the business where the need to ever record another cassette seemed pretty remote, I pitched it. But, yeah... the belts are shot.
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Ah yes, I have one here too. The head on this one right side would not turn reliably. I ordered a new transport from Teac, they replaced the one that did not work right. The second one did the same. They sell parts not knowing or knowing that they will not work and they were $108. They refer you to the knuckleheads across the street and they deny that there is a problem with the new transport- I doubt that they have ever seen one. The problem stems from a switch that is in the deck inverted. Instead of it being ground it is high so the processor thinks it is opposite than what it is physically- I am still working on the deck but suffice it to say it does NOT work out of the box. Belts might help if the flywheel is not turning but that might only be the beginning of the journey. Much better idea to get a real deck not one of these toys. How far Teac has fallen since Mr. Chang was there.
Just so you know, open the top cover with power out of unit and rotate the cam/ flywheel by finger and the head base should reseat.
Then the door will be allowed to open.
Again, this thread is six months old. I suspect the OP is not seeing this.
Perhaps not but there is always the chance that another person with the same problem will see this post- you do know that Google looks into forums and searches out terms. I have had a Tascam BR20 pulley post be found by Google within a minute of me posting it on Tapeheads.net. It is not for the OP but for the following crowd I post- did you think it was a waste?
Hi, I have a Tascam 302 deck too. It generates the error code upon to the startup. Looks to be "Err.3." Can you, please, help me to identify the root cause for that or find a service manual having that explained? Thank you in advance. ..
You could get the service manuals from Stereomanuals but this deck is not worth all the money it takes to repair it. I have one here now that has used up 3 hours. Teac can NOT even sell you the right transport for it and they do not know that the one they are selling is not the right one. I had two of them here.
Understand, any chance you have that service manual and can check what the error code means?
I looked in the manual I have and there were no error codes listed. Often times you can determine the problem by the function that is not working. You don't need any stinking error code. At Teac we fixed thousand of decks by observation and no error codes were displayed in most cases. The only time you saw a error code is if Sony built the unit. These were programmed into theprocessor on the controller like a DA88.
Maybe Russ Bachmann knows of them in New Jersey.
Observe what is happening and then take action. The processor detects the direction of the mechanism on start up. The new transport part is backward from the original so it gets confused. You probably don't have flywheel rotation as that is what moves the mechanism. The capstan motors should turn when you turn the unit on. IF not look at power supply and broken solder joints.
These are not all that much fun to work on. Russ's info-
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