Hi, I picked up 302 cassettedeck that didn't power up, betting on an easy fix. There's no power coming from the yellow plug, P507, going to the front pcb. I'm an amateur at this, does anyone know what the problem might be?
Hey did you ever get this resolved? I also have a 302 that just wont turn on or do anything. Intested the power supply, power button and the voltage selector switch on the back of the unit and they're all working properly. I removed all of the boards and they're all squeaky clean on both sides.
Clean is one thing but broken solder joints don't care if they are clean or dirty. After that to find the problem you need to get in there with a Digital volt meter and go looking for the problem. These are not very well built items and so they are likely to have more than one problem. The electrolytic caps in most older stuff is replaced due to age. They sometimes short- again found with the DVM. I have had 220uFd 16V and 25V Marcon caps short on me. Apparently these were never known for longevity.
Broken solder joints, Open fuse resistor, defective zener diode or open transistor from excessive current- you can do a lot of guessing but even after being in the business for 47 years I can not tell you from sight what part is bad. Why do people think it is that simple?