tascam 3200 digital performer does not control transport 8


New Member
May 6, 2013
Gear owned
dm3200 vl-5
tascam 3200 digital transport performer does not control 8, I installed as makie control, but not control ffww rrww play stop etc, something I'm doing wrong. help with any user. Moreover notice that the movement of the fader in the DAW is slow .. midi settings and I get if-fw/mkII card with a sign "?". will understand that the midi port. the sound was working properly. Thanks, I'm new digital performer and forum ...

I do not speak English I use google traslator
Re: tascam 3200 digital performer does not control transport

I use a DM3200 with DP8 and the transport controls work.

In the DM3200's REMOTE > MACHINE CONTROL screen, did you remember to check the "TRA" radio button? The transport controls won't work unless you do.
Re: tascam 3200 digital performer does not control transport

thank you very much proves it today, English is not easy for me!
Re: tascam 3200 digital performer does not control transport

Happy to help. Let us know if this solves the problem!
Re: tascam 3200 digital performer does not control transport

effectively solved the problem, but I disappeared MTC. I do not understand because before I had the mac relog and now ... midi ports?? thanks for helping to solve transportation! I'm very happy about it!

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