Hello there, this is my first post on this site. I’ve been using it for info over the last few months and have found it to be a great resource.
I’m currently stumped right now as to what I did to my Tascam 48 8-track. I bought it in relatively good condition and have had the rollers rerubbered by Terry at Terry's Rubber Pinch Rollers & Wheels He did such a great job and I have been setting it up and calibrating it over the last couple of weeks on my off time. The functionality was working wonderfully until…
Upon getting my RC-71 remote, I noticed that the rewind button didn’t work on it. I took it apart to examine it and found that it all parts checked out fine and the issue was in the connector pcb on the back of the machine. The connector pcb didn’t allow the signal to be passed through to the little capacitor on it, so I bridged it with a small wire and some solder. It now rewinds fine.
While doing this I accidentally touched some of the other open leads to the chassis and it made a very small spark. I have found that the green led for the spooling feature above the FF and RWD buttons is about half-lit; same for the Record LED when in Record mode. The green Stop LED and Yellow Edit LED don't work at all.
All other functions on the deck work fine. I’ve checked the fuses and nothing wrong there… So now it looks like I’ve gotten myself into a little bit of a mess.
Any suggestions on where to look? I’ve seen in other threads people talking about blown ICs or relays… Is an IC the same as a relay in this scenario?
I'm new at this and want to learn as much as possible about circuits, but also have a general understand on how to remove components, solder and desolder caps, etc.
Any suggestions are welcome!!
I’m currently stumped right now as to what I did to my Tascam 48 8-track. I bought it in relatively good condition and have had the rollers rerubbered by Terry at Terry's Rubber Pinch Rollers & Wheels He did such a great job and I have been setting it up and calibrating it over the last couple of weeks on my off time. The functionality was working wonderfully until…
Upon getting my RC-71 remote, I noticed that the rewind button didn’t work on it. I took it apart to examine it and found that it all parts checked out fine and the issue was in the connector pcb on the back of the machine. The connector pcb didn’t allow the signal to be passed through to the little capacitor on it, so I bridged it with a small wire and some solder. It now rewinds fine.
While doing this I accidentally touched some of the other open leads to the chassis and it made a very small spark. I have found that the green led for the spooling feature above the FF and RWD buttons is about half-lit; same for the Record LED when in Record mode. The green Stop LED and Yellow Edit LED don't work at all.
All other functions on the deck work fine. I’ve checked the fuses and nothing wrong there… So now it looks like I’ve gotten myself into a little bit of a mess.
Any suggestions on where to look? I’ve seen in other threads people talking about blown ICs or relays… Is an IC the same as a relay in this scenario?
I'm new at this and want to learn as much as possible about circuits, but also have a general understand on how to remove components, solder and desolder caps, etc.
Any suggestions are welcome!!
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