Tascam 58 servicing in the UK


New Member
Feb 25, 2013
Gear owned
Tascam 58-OB and Tascam 38
Hey everybody, I have a Tascam 58-OB (8 track reel to reel) that I'd like to get serviced. I have an intermittent track 8 on the sync head and a broken VU bulb on track 5, and I'd like the machine to be given the once over.

I'm based in West London, UK. Can anybody point me in the right direction please?

Many thanks

PS - very long shot – anybody know anybody who might be able to help connect an as-yet unpurchased Tascam Accessory (1) plug to a wire I have on the end of a QuPlay locator?
The lamp should not be hard to change. I have done some before. They will have to be the smaller lamps though from JKL I suspect.
The track 8 sync issue might be a relay or edge connector. You will need to trace it down- trade cards 7 and 8 and see if it follows the card. I don't know what the QuPlay device is but the autolocators and remotes came with the appropriate connector.With enough research the connector could be found but it is not at all cheap.
Ah I have the bulb part so I'll try replacing it myself. You're right about the connector, for me the issue is finding somebody to wire the thing on correctly. Re the sync issue I'll try the card swap and post the result here – thank you sir.

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