Tascam 85-16. can anyone help me with changing from 30IPS back to original 15 IPS please?

liam gough

New Member
Feb 3, 2025
Gear owned
Tascam 85-16 tascam m16
Hi, I have an Tascam 85-16 that is running at 30ips. I believe someone has modified it to run at 30Ips from the stock 15Ips. There is no manual that can be found for this Machine. I have been looking high and low for the 85-16 manual for two years to no avail. The 85-16B is available and I have it, unfortunately the 5 x control PCB cards are different between the 85-16 and 85-16B)

I have found on forums that the IPS on a Tascam MS16 deck can be changed between 7.5, 15, 30 Ips by bridging high, medium or low on the capstan control PCB. I’m guessing this is the same procedure for the earlier 85-16…?

I have read on forums that people in the know say the 85-16 is capable of running at 7.5, 15,30 Ips. Can anyone help me with information or experience?

I have done extensive testing of the power supply (24v, 15v, 12v, -8v) all voltages read within spec.

The capstan motor is receiving 22.5 V when running at 30Ips, my guess is it needs 11v-12v to run at 15Ips…

I am in Melbourne Australia and have spoken to multipole technicians here over the last two years and they don’t seem to want to work on this machine as the manual is not available and they aren’t familiar with this apparently briefly manufactured machine. I am really hoping to get this machine working at 15Ips again as its no good for recording at 30Ips due to heavily reduced bass frequency.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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