Tascam DM 24 How activate HUI Emulate

I use Ableton 11. My PC is MAC with MAC OS 10.15.7. My Tascam DM 24 has if-fw/dm card with firewire. I tried long time to connect mixer as DAW controller in Ableton but i dont success.
- carefully read and follow the brief instructions in the DM24 manual to activate HUI EMULATE mode on the mixer.

- connecting the mixer to the mac using firewire will not work easily on mac 10.15 - i am not sure if anyone has done it. for that u should use 10.13 or so.

- when u connect to the mac w USB, do you see the DM-24 in the MIDI network of your Audio MIDI Setup app? if so, it may only be Ableton that needs further configuration.

good luck!

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