Tascam DM-3200 and Eleven Rack


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2013
Gear owned
Tascam DM-3200
Hi everyone, I'm just wondering if anyone is using Eleven Rack with Tascam DM-3200 and protools 10? I have tried connecting the eleven rack into the DIN 2 of the tascam but no luck. I'm hoping someone can take me through the connecting process.

Thanks :confused:

I have this EXACT setup. Are you trying to record the Eleven Rack into PT10 as a standard stereo input? Lemme know and I will post the pictures of my routing setup screens.
Hi Jamsire,

Yes i am trying to record the eleven rack into PT10. When you say a standard stereo input does this give me the dry and wet signals? I would really appreciate your help on this.

Hi there!!

1. So the first thing you will see is my "INPUT" Screen:

2. Next, route the Eleven Rack AES/EBU to the FW Output Slot:

3. In PT11, make sure you're naming your FW card inputs like I did here - notice I highlighted Eleven Rack AES/EBU input.

4. Notice the input name on the Edit Window Screen:

I hope this helps!


  • PT-Eleven-Rack_Input-AES-EBU.png
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  • PT-11_Input-Setup.png
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  • PT-11_Input-Edit-Window.png
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  • PT-Eleven-Rack_output_slot-AES-EBU.png
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Hi Jamsire,

I understand the routing part of the tascam but I don't understand the Protools because my default inputs and outputs has 1-32 channels as per the tascam. The digital channels don't show up in the input/output in protools. What am I doing wrong? I hear the signal from my monitors but nothing going into protools.
You will NOT see the "Digital Channels." You can't. You need to route the Digital Channels through two channels in the FW card - like my pictures illustrate, then set those FW stereo channels as an input on the track. You can't use AES/EBU into PT11 unless you have a dedicated AES/EBU interface. If you have one of those, then you can't use the FW card. This is the ONLY way to get the "processed only" Eleven Rack signal into PT11. If you're looking to get the clean and processed signals (Guitar In, Eleven Rack L., Eleven Rack R., Reamp, Aux In L&R - you have to use the Eleven Rack as the audio interface into PT11.

There ya go!!!
Name your inputs in Pro Tools - it will help you navigate better.
Hi Jamsire,

Finally got it going but looking at your setup in the input screen of the tascam you have the DIN2 setup on ch 19-20 but the protools input showing 17-18 is this correct?
What I did was set up my DIN2 on the tascam input screen to ch 31-32 and output slot to ch31-32. I actually see the signal in protools.

Why can't I output the signal to any other output on the tascam? Ex; I went into the output slot of the tascam and put the DIN2 on ch.17-18 but when I set the output in protools to ch 17-18 I don't get the signal in protools. Why is this?

Thanks for your help on this, I really appreciate it.
Guitarbin said:
Hi Jamsire,

Finally got it going but looking at your setup in the input screen of the tascam you have the DIN2 setup on ch 19-20 but the protools input showing 17-18 is this correct?

Yes - I just wasn't consistent in lining up the channels correctly, but it works for me.

What I did was set up my DIN2 on the tascam input screen to ch 31-32 and output slot to ch31-32. I actually see the signal in protools.

Awesome!!! Good job (maybe I'll re-do my setup to be more more consistent).

Why can't I output the signal to any other output on the tascam? Ex; I went into the output slot of the tascam and put the DIN2 on ch.17-18 but when I set the output in protools to ch 17-18 I don't get the signal in protools. Why is this?

I think you did two different things here. Let's go with the 31-32 Output slot configuration that you see coming into Pro Tools.

Based on what you told me - you correctly assigned everything, but you NOW need to look for your signal in a channel in the board that will output the sound coming from FW channels 31-32. Set your Pro Tools output to 31-32 (this is based on the configuration you have set correctly), and in the "Input Routing" screen add "Slot #(wherever you FW card is)-31, and then 32 to two channels that the audio is running stereo into from Pro Tools. You're almost there.
jamsire said:
You will NOT see the "Digital Channels." You can't. You need to route the Digital Channels through two channels in the FW card - like my pictures illustrate, then set those FW stereo channels as an input on the track. You can't use AES/EBU into PT11 unless you have a dedicated AES/EBU interface. If you have one of those, then you can't use the FW card. This is the ONLY way to get the "processed only" Eleven Rack signal into PT11. If you're looking to get the clean and processed signals (Guitar In, Eleven Rack L., Eleven Rack R., Reamp, Aux In L&R - you have to use the Eleven Rack as the audio interface into PT11.

There ya go!!!

I have the same setup too and this is really helpful because I could never figure out how to get the clean sounds into my 4800 for reamping. Is there a way using protools 10 that I can have both the 11 rack and FW card be an audio interface to protools at the same time. So in my ideal world the 11 rack will still connect to the DM 4800 through DIN2 so I can monitor processed sound along via my board channels, but the actual clean and processed signals get routed directly into protools from the 11 Rack so I have the option to reamp later.
No. It won't work. There's a funny thing you can do in PT if you use a Mac and this thing called an "aggregate." It lets you use two interfaces at once in PT, but I have no experience in it as I use a PC. It's not a software, it's just the way it works - I guess. Again, I have absolutely no experience with it. You'll need to look it up.

In any case, I say use the SanAmp or Eleven Free plugin if you are doing distortion type things for a scratch sound and then change your interface to the 11R when you want to reamp. You'll still have to clean signal on the audio track. There's also no reason you can't get a good splitter and have a signal go into the 11R and a good clean signal go into 4800 which can also be routed into PT.

Good luck!

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