"What is it that you
really love about your desk.."
There are many things - the biggest one being that I never feel hamstrung or limited by the console. Plus.....more than enough channel faders (I've rarely used more than 30 OTB), quick access to DAW control, comprehensive automation, excellent conversion (despite opinions to the contrary), multi-option patching/routing, useful, decent sounding efx, surgical 4-band EQ, programmable encoders, big meter bridge with layer override, perfect form factor for retaining a monitoring position 'sweet spot,' TMC's meters which can be set to 'average/RMS', and a bunch of other things.
I also like the layout; the feature lighting is subdued and easy on the eyes in a darkened environment - unlike some of the newer offerings which look like distracting pinball machines on steroids (sorry - if I'm going to sit in front of a mixer for 6 hours, I don't need to be pummeled by bright, garish colors suitable for an arcade).
Best of all, there's always something new to learn; Tascam designed a LOT of flexibility into the DMs - and nothing beats an 'AHA!-moment' when you discover another way to do something.
And - it looks great; sleek, solid, and inviting. I'd vote a DM into the Smithsonian or M.O.M.A. if I could.
As you can see, I'm quite unhappy and depressed with my purchase.
