Charles, I have used Deoxit, Cramolin R5 and many other Caig laboratories products professionally in the broadcast and recording fields for decades. In one case, I was able to restore full functionality to a $150k Neve console that was severely neglected and had become contaminated, by cleaning with Caig products. In another case, I dug up a 1-1/2" coax hardline that had been damaged during construction (found the problem with a TDR). I cut out the bad section and replaced it, sealed and reburied. When reporting to the chief engineer, he specifically asked me if I had used Cramolin R5 on the connections. I had, and he was relieved (Cramolin R5 was replaced by Deoxit).
Cleaning the switches, rotary controls and faders on your machine with Deoxit is not only safe, it's recommended. I sprayed every single switch and control on my used DP-32 (but NOT THE ENCODERS) with a German product we have in Taiwan (it smells just like Cramolin), and immediately all my input trim pots became free turning and the scratchiness disappeared.
Have no fear, use it as necessary. Apply a small squirt at a time. Repeat as required, a little at a time, and exercise the control to distribute the product around on the inside of the control or switch.