I’m having a heck of time! I’ve read a lot, and tried to absorb knowledge from all of you guys, which I appreciate. About the time I have things working, and I think I know what I’m doing, the light-bulb goes out, nothing works, and I’m lost.
This is an overview of my current rec. project:
1. I’m using DP32 & Lexicon Effects Processor.
2. I connected 2 cables from DP32 Sends (on back of machine) to Lexicon Inputs.
3. I connected 2 cables from Lexicon Output to DP32 Inputs 5 & 6.
4. My goal is to record Vocal (with effects) to Stereo Track 9/10.
5. Assignment is Source A1 & B2 to Stereo 9/10.
6. In MIX (9/10) I scroll to Sends 1 & 2 & set both to “Post.” I also set ALL volumes to 80.
7. I repeat the same in MIX (A & B). In “Source A”
I pan left, and in “Source B” I pan right.
NOTE: Yesterday, I heard Reverb/Delay coming thru with no trouble. I nominated Track 7 as my Effects Track, and after bouncing tracks as needed, I achieved success. Today I hear no effects, and no matter what I try, nothing works and Im lost again. Frustrating!