TASCAM DP Multi-Band Compression Preset Chart!

Dave Zippi

Active Member
Aug 15, 2019
-I have a neophyte question regarding the TASCAM DP Mastering Preset Chart that Mark Richards graciously provided to the forum.

-My confusion is in regards to the “Multi-Band Compression Preset Chart”.


-For Example--- if I select any of the Multiband Presets my DP-24 shows one group of settings. However, on the chart I see 3 various settings for LOWS, MIDs & HIGH bandwidths.

-MY QUESTION---When you select a Multiband Preset does it effect all 3 Low, Mid & High Bandwidths as presented in the chart or does the chart show you option settings for which bandwidth you want to compress?


Hi @Dave Zippi I have no answer for you, but perhaps we can attract @Mark Richards attention by tagging him in this topic. I'm sure he won't mind ;)
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-MY QUESTION---a Multiband Preset...does it effect all 3 Low, Mid & High Bandwidths as presented in the chart or does the chart show you option settings
Yes; therefore, No. Explained in the OM, Section 10.;)
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Your answer is a little vague like the manual but thanks anyway! I'll mess around with it.
-MY QUESTION--- a Multiband Preset...does it effect all 3 Low, Mid & High Bandwidths as presented in the chart or does the chart show you option settings
Yes; therefore, No. Explained in the OM, Section 10.;)
Your answer is a little vague like the manual but thanks anyway! I'll mess around with it.
I answered that which was asked, an either/or question: Does the chart show this (yes) or that (no). Nothing even a little vague about my answer, and nothing further required. I pointed you to the OM because it provides a clear guide for using this particular function.
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