Tascam DP24SD - Sounds so good!

Simon Smith

New Member
Oct 20, 2021
Hi new poster here.

I just bought the tascam dp24 SD for my dad, as a retirement gift.

We set it up down in the cabin at his house, with an external ART Voicechannel preamp, whihc basically is a channel strip with deesser, gate, tube warmth, etc, eq. compression.

put a budget/cheap condenser mic fed into that preamp, then into the tascam.

Really got some greta results almost immediately.

We managed to record a song while tinkering around and following the manual.

I am completley surprised the quality is this good.

Very impressive bit of kit. we are gettign better sounds from it than with my interface and laptop with ableton etc.
Hi Simon.

Wich ART Voicechannel preamp did you use ?
Rugged and portable. Have fun!

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