I actually now have three cards. One comes up Driver Offline.
I have two(2) DM4800s. One X-48. One Cubase Pro 9.0. One Cubase Elements 9.0
The PC is Windows 10 (64 bit). I have a pci to firewire card with 2 ports at 800 1 port at 400.
I had bought the second firewire card (the one that Driver Offline happens on), because I wanted a backup card (just in case). I found it broken because I tested it when it came in. I tested it on the DM that already had a working Firewire cards. Again it came up as Driver Offline. I put the original card back in and it ran fine. I purchased that $300 ebay firewire card when it got her I tried it in the known good system (taking out the original firewire card) and it too worked fine. So, I only have one card Driver Offline.
I am running the latest Beta Version on the PC and firewire on the Card. The DM is running 1.7