Tascam M-3700 help


New Member
May 10, 2014
Gear owned
Tascam m-3700 32ch
Hi guys,

I have a Tascam M-3700 32ch and my computer is malfunctioning. It seems to be stuck in xition time and signal will cut out with the screen glitching between msec settings and it will kick back in with a msec of 6.5. It's weird because when it kicks back in it sounds better than it ever has. Please somebody help, even if it means replacing the computer. I really like using this board

You may need to explain the setup a bit better, from what I am reading you have the computer interface with the jl copper software? is that correct?

If it is the case it is a very rare setup and you may need to ask far and wide for this answer.

I use a m3700, but only using the onboard computer and no interface / screen, so I don't actually know the question you are asking. However:

One of these guys may have a setup, so post a question here: http://homerecording.com/bbs/genera...cooper-automation-system-tascam-m3700-344388/

A bit more info here in case your set up is the free Tascam software thing and not JL Cooper http://www.gearslutz.com/board/so-much-gear-so-little-time/521507-tascam-m-3700-automation.html

P.S I can't even find a copy of the free software.

No jl cooper. Sorry for the confusion. It's the screen on the automation computer itself. When bypassing the automation on the console the dip switches are in manual mode. Even though it's in manual mode the LCD is stuck in a transition time (xition time) at 6.5 msec with signal passing. It will cut signal all of a sudden and the xition time goes to 80 msec but glitches.
So you are talking about the time display near the floppy drive?

It still turns things off when the faders are in manual (bypass)? The dip switches do not need to be in manual mode only the bypass buttons need to be pressed?

IS there timecode coming into the console? I have never seen my display in time msec, as I always have a frame rate selected on the dip switches.

Is this a new purchase or have you had it operating before?

I've had it for 2 years. No time code hooked up, never has been. And yes it is the screen by the floppy drive. I'm freeking out because ther is probably zero chance of replacing the computer.
If you are not using the automation you don't need the computer. If the faders are in bypass and the "read" button has not been pressed the computer should not do anything. If the computer is still causing problems you could unhook the computer and run it as a manual board?

However the first thing I would do is check the computer to make sure that all the wiring is OK and there is not just a dirty or loose connection. There could also be a problem with the power supply so you may need to check that out.

Because it's VCA everything passes through the computer. Everything is in bypass but still no signal passing. Without the computer no signal passed on the board unfortunately. I am trying to get the power supply serviced. Thx so much for your help.
It is only VCA when the faders are not bypassed, when bypassed there is a normal mechanical fader that takes over, you can get signal when the computer is not is use. With the faders bypassed and the read button is not on there is no computer in action? I think there is more to this then the computer.

You should get a tech to look at it.
Thanks for your help Alan, I really appreciate it.

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