It isn't possible....or I should say after conversing with JL Cooper in 1999 or so (the inventors of the system) wasn't possible to integrate at that time with cubase etc.
I owned the 3700 as well as the optional $1000 jl cooper circuit card for writing offline data on old Macs via jl cooper external software and opcode interface.
In fact, I sold the card to someone on this board a decade or so ago.
In theory, those vca faders are translating to midi messages (which doesn't make for the highest resolution automation...
certainly not as tight as current daw controller motorized faders).
Cooper's optional external card for offline control had some of the midi messages/theory described in the manual. But nothing showing how two-way control was actually being implemented. Which was proprietary.
Cooper claimed that even they no longer had the actual code last time I called.
Perhaps some tech nerd could figure it out....but again...fader moves translated to midi doesn't make for very good resolution.
Same general theory as the old Mackie Ultramix system that I also owned.