Tascam US 4x4 usb light blinking


New Member
Feb 3, 2017
Gear owned
Tascam US 4x4
Ive had this tascam for two years already and I havent had an issue. Until recently it started to give me a little problem at Ableton startup. Asio4all would sometimes not recognize the tascam, until I connect and dissconnect. A week later the tascam is not being recognized. The USB light just keeps flashing. Ive reinstalled the drivers and all. Help? I also run on windows 10 64bit. with Usb 3.0 on my laptop.
Hi there,

Sorry to reiterate more than one year later but I've got the same issue, USB light blinking, the audio interface seems to not being recognised when plugged in as nothing happens.
Also running Windows 10 64bit on a laptop with USB 3.0 ports only.

Already tried to downgrade drivers so not totally sure what to do next, anyone got some chance with this one ?
Lots of USB 2.0 devices are incompatible with 3.0 ports usually due to drivers.
Have same problem with us20x20 after latest update windows10
That's odd because USB 3.0 ports are supposed to be backwards compatible with USB 2.0 cables and devices. My laptop has only USB 3.0 ports, and I plug USB 2.0 devices in all the time. So if there is a problem, I would also guess it's the drivers.
us20x20 is usb 3.0 and having problems so must be a driver issue.
Another possible issue is with USB hubs, either USB2 or 3. Just to make sure, connect directly to the same (USB2 or 3) type of port.

BTW, most compatibility issues I know of are with USB2 devices into USB3 ports, notwithstanding it is 'supposed' to work.
No USB Hub here, direct into a usb3 port on my laptop. At startup it blinks and disfunctions after reconnecting it works. It worked well until latest Windows 10 update.
What version of the Tascam drivers are people using? Have you tried going to earlier versions?

Tascam did a driver update not too long ago. This seems to confirm their reputation of making good hardware with bad drivers.
Have latest drivers 2.1o on us20x20. Former versions had other problems with Win10. I emailed Tascam USA several times but they don't answer back. Very, very bad customer service for an otherwise very fine recording unit. It is a damn shame. No more Tascam for me.
FLASHING LIGHTS FIX/SOLUTION ~ Good morning I have purely created an account to put this post here which can be put anywhere else as I purchased a tascam US 2x2 2 or 3 years ago And I also purchased an m audio oxygen 25 MIDI controller but I have recently had flashing lights on the tascam audio interface going absolutely crazy and nothing I can do will rectify the matter on Windows 10 or Windows 11 on very modern laptops both Acer and ASUS but last night I found what is my issue and solution 100% which is just so silly it beggars belief so try this before you go reinstalling your system drivers or whatever.

What I found is that I have a faulty lead connector audio interface to USB slot and after weeks of flashing lights I merely took the oxygen 25 MIDI controller lead and plugged it into the audio interface tascam 2x2 and instantly I mean absolutely instantly the unit worked perfectly and I was just gobsmacked because I was on the verge of ordering a different brand of audio interface as obviously this is discontinued this unit but the fix is so simple and I wonder if any of the plethora of people I have seen all over the web with this same issue would be a damaged USB lead nothing to do with the laptop nothing to do with the audio interface just actually the lead itself so this may help someone and if it helps just one person then hey yay. Incidentally I plugged the lead from the audio interface into the MIDI controller and that is working perfect as well but as far as I can see both leads are exactly the same so one of them is slightly damaged me things and I do wonder if there was a batch of them damaged from tascam who knows but anyone with flashing lights on the audio interface try an alternative lead before you do any reinstallations.

Have a great day, MiSSY
On my US-2x2 I had a situation with a very dim USB light and no function, may or may not be related to the OP's problem.

A neighborhood power outage caused my always-on PC and interface to power off but they didn't reboot as they usually do when power was restored. The PC's sleep light was on and the interface's USB light was solid but extremely dim. Shutting off the PC and rebooting brought the PC back up just fine but the interface USB was still inoperable with a dim USB light.

Switching out cables and drivers did nothing. As a last resort, I unplugged the AC adapter at the wall outlet and plugged it back in. The USB light got a bit brighter but not fully. I repeated and the light returned to full brightness. I rebooted the PC once more and everything has worked perfectly since. That was 4 months ago.

For several years my interface was powered solely through it's USB-PC connection. If this had happened prior to my adding the AC adapter I probably would have determined the interface was fried and replaced it with another brand. I got lucky.
Hello everyone, I have the same problem with tascam US 1x2, it does not connect to the PC, I have Win 10, the USB light is blinking. I already reinstalled the drivers and nothing. Could someone solve it? What I can do? thank you

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