Tip of the Day


Oct 6, 2012
Gear owned
I tried to start something like this in the old forum and it fizzled.

I have great respect for the knowledge of our members here.
I think we all have different ways of working with our DM mixers.

What about posting a tip or trick that you really like?

It could be something seemingly trivial that might offer insight to someone else.
It might end up being a great revelation.
These machines offer so many possibilities.
I'm sure our accumulated knowledge could write a book.

I'll offer a humble, first post:
In the Library Snapshot window, hit the Property button in the lower right.
It brings up a window with the date and time saved and other info.
This has saved my butt on numerous occasions.

All the best!
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Always use "The Project" for your whole collection of songs for a particular recording project, and use "Snapshots" for each song and it's different Routing and other variations. I mean - you have 128 different Snapshots!
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Don't just save often, buy more CF storage and Save As often. Save save save as. Don't hesitate to write seemingly duplicate DM files.
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Always use "The Project" for your whole collection of songs for a particular recording project, and use "Snapshots" for each song and it's different Routing and other variations.

Excellent advice.
It's even better than than what you said.
The DM has four banks of 128 snapshots per project for a whopping 512.

I use snapshots to save various iterations of mixes of a given song in a project.
Nice to be able to go back to the DM settings of a prior mix.
Just be sure to document the correlation with the mix in your DAW.
Man, I think I never even changed 'Project' since I bought the DM. :oops:
Gotta look into that..
Another +1 for the SnapShot idea. I used to create a new project for every new track until it became clear that wasn't the best approach. Because I tend to arrange my faders and most of my outboard in familiar, repeatable ways, snapshots are just easier and allow for more storage 'slots.'

But - and it should be obvious - be VERY careful when recalling a snapshot if you only need to reload comps and EQ. That 'Recall Safe' menu isn't just whistling 'Dixie." In fact, if you're recording 'Dixie,' an errant recall can turn it into 'Columbia The Gem Of The Ocean," and you'll be swimming in a world of hurt trying re-do all your carefully crafted I/O and Efx.

Maybe THAT qualifies as a 'tip of the day.' :rolleyes:

Yep. I don't know enough to offer workflow tips, but I'll second our Captain: "Don't screw up and overwrite saved settings" is a solid tip for every day.

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