TL Media Card

Jayson Wonder

Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2013
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Gear owned
DM-4800, MX-2424, US-1641
I am looking to find a TL Media Card for this unit. Trying to confirm what card type I must use. Does this look like the correct one?
That looks right. However, you need to be careful, because there are 2 sizes of card that look exactly the same in a photograph & one of them is almost twice as big as the other. I know this because I tried to buy some spares from ebay & they were the wrong size.
Thanks for the reply. Would you be willing to take a physical measurement of the right size card? I could as the seller to measure and confirm?

I would be able to take a measurement but can't right now due to Covid quarantining, because I can't go to my studio. The right card is about an inch wide. Maybe you can measure the width of the slot on your tascam. The wrong ones which I were cheap on ebay from China (turns out not so cheap since I have no use for them) were maybe 1 1/2" wide. In the photo they look identical to the right cards because they are exactly the same but just bigger.
Awesome and thanks. I have it at about 1.5 inches width... based on the slot size.
The card has 4MB - 3.3 written on it, it’s 36mm wide and 44mm long.

Hope that helps, to get inches from mm, decide by 25.4


Oh the one in your picture looks correct
I have spares I preloaded with os I’ve helped ppl in past sending them preloaded cards.
Unfortunately, I’ve been in icu just got out couple days ago recovering very very sick. I’m still in bed not ambulatory and on strict quarantine.
Guy in bed next to me in icu coded died it was a nightmare surreal I imagine hell must be a lot like it. Covid, please stay safe, I did but was exposed to it in hospital after staying home never going out for a whole year! :-(

sorry, I digress, if you give me a couple weeks so I can get better I would be more than happy to send one to you I just need some time. I don’t remember if my email is in my info let me know. I’m sorry I’m not able to help right at this moment, don’t know if it’s my bad luck or yours that I’m down right now lol

Make no mistake, I really want to see your mx up and running, your problem may eventually end up being my problem and I want 10 more years out of my mx before I sell everything as digital antiques and retire lol

Gee, get well soon.

I must admit wondering about how long I can keep my mx running, my main problem is dying hard drives, and I have a lot of them. I have thought about turning the mx into an interface only as all my mx’s have analog and adat cards.

However I am exploring some new sources of hard drives. As I do love the mx.

I used a scsi to IDE bridge years ago with my first mx. I only used it to transfer bu files to external ide drives but it worked great. On this forum some ppl have messed around with sdd drives and cards out the back of the mx. If we can use solid drives no moving parts as external that we can record to, the mx will buy some more years.

I bought a bunch of scsi drives off eBay years back cheap like $5/ea had a box of em. I gave some to friends I had so many. Sadly I included them in sale of my second mx :-( I sure wish I had those today.
I’ve had my share of scsi and ide drives spin out on me. I use an old dell from around 2k with xp pro. I try to keep mirror HD’s in my tape cabinet (lol tape cab with HD’s in it) for when my old studio hd spins out I pop in another one.

I’m with you Alan, it’s harder to find drives decent ones anyway and there’s going to come a time when our mx’s can’t be kept alive anymore. They are already far beyond what was originally their sell by date. 5-10 yrs max especially digital but we are heading into 21st year. I have new daws on laptops some stuff is faster but I don’t think faster at cut copy paste is really a good thing. I love using mxview over all my daw programs. No it doesn’t have all the bells whistles but meh, I try to work on the songs arrangements and sounds with a band BEFORE we record. I’ve actually gone back to tape but not usual 2” I’m 1/2” 8 and I’m loving 238’s! No sound lacks here and there but there’s a punch quality to the small width 238 sound that is very pleasing to my ears. I’m going old transformer coupled in/out to tape. I bu to mx and if I need to massage tracks I work inside mx with analog in/outs.

I’m actually backed up with clients, young clients insisting on cassette tape start to finish even mixdown to cassette. They are releasing on cassettes too. I love it. 3 min song I record live in the room all amps drums in same room no headphones. If they mess it up they retake song it’s 3 min rather than have me quantize 30 takes then comp tracks together spending countless hours staring at a screen to make it perfect, I hate the sound of perfect.
There’s more emotion and energy in finished songs sound think humble pie rockin the Fillmore.

I love my mx as a recorder a front end storage device sometimes, editing. It still sounds great still very useful. It’s dated but still useful. There’s plenty of new solutions 64 tracks cards, model24 laptops with small footprint interfaces that honestly do more faster brighter shinier lol I’m at end of my career, I’m basically retired just having a blast recording young kids and blues bands to tape. I enjoy turning my mx on even just to transfer tape to mx then transfer files from mx to old computer to burn cds or dvds or place on ssd cards the wav files.

Sorry for the novel I’m bored laid up so long book lol Thank you for well wishes, I thought I bought the farm that time. I thank my creator I’m still around to enjoy my family.

I've actually gone down the IDE bridge and the SATA bridge road a while back and I did not have any success. I also have some 80pin drive caddies that connect to 68pin cables, I will buy a few 80 pin drives and try this out, if this works I can use 80 pin drives which are still plentiful and are cheaper. Has anyone out there had any luck using an 80pin drive with adaptors?

Last year I bought 20 x 68pin Hitachi drives which at first seem to be OK but once they start filling with data start to run slow “media too slow” message, they also did not always mount first time? Try to figure out why there is a problem as they are way in spec. This was disappointing as 20 new drives would have lasted a while, lucky the price was good so not too out of pocket.


I went scsi to ide I recorded a few tracks direct to ide but never chanced a session to ide. I did bu from scsi internal to ide off back of mx2424 without issues. I’d love to go scsi to a solid drive out the back that would be great. I haven’t investigated that myself yet. Honestly I lose my focus when I start the hunt. I did run across a possible solution but it was extremely cost prohibitive as in not even a consideration.

Guy I sold my original mx to brought me two scsi drives that wouldn’t mount. One was doa the other took a lot of coaxing. It was full never cleaned reformatted just kept adding to it. I transferred files did a low level on it, tested running smooth transferred files back to drive.

Slowly available drives are going down. I have a few I think I better get a few more. :-)
sorry, I digress, if you give me a couple weeks so I can get better I would be more than happy to send one to you I just need some time. I don’t remember if my email is in my info let me know. I’m sorry I’m not able to help right at this moment, don’t know if it’s my bad luck or yours that I’m down right now lol
Thank you for your kid offer. I truly hope you are feeling better and are able out of hospital. Your health is more important that a card but when you are doing well let me know and we can male arrangements.

My son had to borrow a wheelchair ramp, had issues getting it secured.
At any rate, two days messin with these cards, 5 out of 6 are bad. Can’t even get em to format, they go into format and never come out. I bought em used off eBay never tested them. Upon close inspection the gold part on the 5 bad are xtremely scratched up. The only good one is for my studio.

Do you have a computer hooked up to the mx and internet? My studio computer is 20 years old, never been on internet, no issues. I download os to internet computer then use a jump drive to put it on studio computer then Ethernet transfer to mx.

If that’s not an option, you can get a known good card send it to me or another user we put os on it send it back.
Or, you can wait for me to buy some more cards, hopefully good ones, put os on one send it to you.

im very sorry this didn’t work out, I wish I checked those cards as soon as I got them, I gave that seller a good rating too.

update: I bought some more cards but they won’t get here until June. If you still need one with os at that time I will send one to you if they work that is :-(
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Caveman I saw your last post, about obtaining a TL Media Card, do you have any TL that are working correctly? How much for a TL card and postage to Youngstown, Oh?
I've just come from EBay, and this is what I found. It seems to meet the requirements, 3.3V 4MB, 36mm wide, 44mm long. Would anyone concur? I typed TL Media card, 3.3V 4MB, 36mm wide, 44mm long, in the search box.
I’d grab that card they’re getting harder to find.
If you need one pre-loaded with os I can send you one just pm me your mailing info, it’ll take a few days before I can mail one out.

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