Transport Dropping Out


New Member
Mar 3, 2013
Blue Mountains Australia
Gear owned
Hi there,
My transport on DM4800 - remote device control seems to drop out intermittently.
I just upgraded to Windows 8 and Cubase 7 64bit. (was on win xp and Cubase 6.03 - all worked perfectly for years - well since 2007 :) All good and nice and fast but transport works for a time then stops...any ideas?
I'm going to guess it's a USB issue. If you had a solid setup for 6 years, and both the opsys and DAW versions were upgraded, there's a possible, intermittent conflict somewhere.

I'd suggest uninstalling TMC, reinstalling it, and then systematically unplugging/replugging USB connections to establish fresh connections.

I traced the root cause of some intermittent bsod and transport drop outs to the firewire driver and Apple's iTunes. Windows 8 does not come with the legacy firewire driver it created as it is unsigned...(conspiracy theories here we go ;) Also you have to remove iTunes.
I have made some serious changes to my operating system and compiled a 9 page document to be able to retrace my steps if all goes wrong ....but so far so good. Fingers crossed :)
If you don't hear back from me in a few days you will know I am running smooth as silk and am back in the game busy doing what I do best!
If anyone wants to know the workarounds PM me and I will flick you a pdf of the "fix" :)
PS All care but no responsibility - I just got sick and tired of putting clients off due to a possible unstable system. Thanks Microsoft.................
Seems there was a conflict - of sorts.

But congrats on being able to make Win'Ate' a usable audio platform. Personally, I'm very leary of it. Unfortunate that Micr0$oft refuses to create a lineage of audio friendly op/syses and drivers without hours spent 'optimizing.' But corporate priorities and 'marketing' concepts don't always play nice with professional users' requirements. :(
All stable for todays session with a band - what a relief. Nice and fast and a pleasure to work on win 8 with the fix. Was recording 16 tracks at a time for 4 songs - not one glitch, dropout or bsod. :)

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