Two inputs for a single mono track?


New Member
Jun 12, 2016
Palermo, Sicily, Italy
Gear owned
DP-24 SD
Newbie question for sure...anyway...

Suppose you have a multi-effect sending stereo output, and you connect this multi-effect to inputs A and B of the DP 24.

Now, is it possible to record both inputs as source for TRACK 1 (MONO)? In other words and generally, is it possible to record 2 inputs as source to 1 MONO track?


Hi Alfredo. The short answer is no. You can assign one input to multiple tracks, but not multiple inputs to one track. You can mix/convert the 2 mono tracks to a single mono track after recording by bouncing. These videos may help.
Phil, I saw your video! It will be surely a great learning resource for me, many congrats!
Going back to my question, suppose I want bounce tracks 1 and 2 (recorded with a Stereo multi-effect) to a MONO track 9, do I need to put PAN all left to track 1 and all RIGHT to track 2 before recording, or may I just bounce record regardless to PAN settings for the source tracks?
Thanks again!
Thanks Alfredo - last video just uploaded. When you bounce anything to a mono track, only the left side of the bounce signal is recorded, so pan both tracks 1 & 2 fully to the left. Note this is only when you are bouncing.... when you first record tracks 1 & 2 there is no need to pan anything.
Have just remembered that you can assign inputs directly to the bounce bus, so in theory you could actually record them directly to the mono track in bounce mode - contrary to what I said before. Not tried it myself :) Your mono track 9 would be the bounce destination. You'd need to use the input pans and pan them both to the left (onto the bounce bus), but it will save having to record them and then bounce in a separate pass.
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Thanks again Phil, following your detailed advice now everything is the way I needed.
Another question: since, as you say,: "When you bounce anything to a mono track, only the left side of the bounce signal is recorded" well, what happens then, when you bounce one of the STEREO tracks (e.g.tracks 23-24) to a MONO track (e.g. track 1)? Is it possible? Any advice or mistake to avoid, in order to have all data on the new track? Maybe balancing track 23-24 all on LEFT before bouncing?
Well this is where you really need to watch the videos :) - there's one on bouncing, and another on stereo. Using the pan knob on a stereo track does not 'move' the signal like a mono track - that's why you see its name change to 'balance' on the mixer screen; all it does is alter the relative left & right levels... so if you turn the balance to the left, the right-hand side will reduce to zero - it won't move across to the left. This happens whether or not you are bouncing.

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