UH-7000 New Owner


New Member
Apr 5, 2016
Gear owned
Hi everyone, I just picked up a 7000 and I'm sure I'll have many questions but just one for now.

I had trouble getting sound out of my headphones, did a firmware update and it now works.
The thing I find strange with this unit is no matter which output I select in my DAW 1&2 or 3&4 the sound still comes out of both headphones and monitors. Previous units used 1&2 for headphones, 3&4 for monitors. I'm a bit confused with the "link link" button references, so I want to make sure I have this right:

When the link light is on does that mean both the headphones and monitors are controlled by the hardware headphones dial?


I believe that your last statement is correct.

I found this feature a bit of a pain, because as other users (possibly not on this forum) have stated, if you are not careful with the volume knob, you can accidentally "blow your ears out" with the full output gain of the UH-7000, if going directly to your monitors.

So, like others I put a monitor controller in the middle, in my case a Presonus Monitor Station v2.
Thanks for the reply!!
I've already had my monitors playback at full volume so I agree that in 2016 that problem should have been eliminated long ago. I don't have a monitor control and in the past I used the interface software to lower the output of the monitors. It appears that with this interface that isn't possible. From what I can see the only option is lowering the master output, but that affects both the monitors and headphones (so not really an option). As stated above, previous interfaces allowed my DAW (Samplitude) to control playback output, but selecting 1&2 is no different than selecting 3&4.
Other than this I really like the 7000, the sound quality is the best I've had so far.

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