I’ve been watching this forum for years and have extracted all kinds of great information here. I’m hoping that someone might have some insight into a problem that I’ve been having for about 6 months. My DM4800 was purchased new whenever they first came out. I’m using 2 ADAT cards, the FW card, and the meter bridge. All software is up to date. The DM is interfaced with Logic X on a Mac Pro Desktop running OS 10.10.5.
I have a problem where Logic tracks in Record will “pop out” of record for just a few milli seconds and then go back into Record. There is no audible indication that there was a glitch, but, my Record tracks now display 2 regions instead on one continuous region; the system essentially punches out and back in to record, for just a few milli seconds completely on it’s own. In a 5 hour vocal overdub session I had yesterday, it did this twice. The size of the project, 5 tracks or 24 tracks does’t not seem to matter. The frequency is the same in either case. Logic will also “stutter” during playback for a second or two at about the same frequency, I assume it’s the same problem, I’m just not in record when it happens.
I assumed it was a Mac or Logic problem but after months of trouble shooting the Mac I have been unable to resolve the problem. I’m now thinking that the DM may be part of the problem. A few years ago I had a problem where during record Logic would suddenly jump to random locations. I finally pinned this problem down as a conflict with the internal automation on the DM. Even though I wasn’t using the DM automation, turning it off in the DM menu fixed the problem. I’m now wondering is a similar conflict is causing this new problem. If anyone has any suggestions for tales of similar experiences, I would welcome your input. Thanks
I have a problem where Logic tracks in Record will “pop out” of record for just a few milli seconds and then go back into Record. There is no audible indication that there was a glitch, but, my Record tracks now display 2 regions instead on one continuous region; the system essentially punches out and back in to record, for just a few milli seconds completely on it’s own. In a 5 hour vocal overdub session I had yesterday, it did this twice. The size of the project, 5 tracks or 24 tracks does’t not seem to matter. The frequency is the same in either case. Logic will also “stutter” during playback for a second or two at about the same frequency, I assume it’s the same problem, I’m just not in record when it happens.
I assumed it was a Mac or Logic problem but after months of trouble shooting the Mac I have been unable to resolve the problem. I’m now thinking that the DM may be part of the problem. A few years ago I had a problem where during record Logic would suddenly jump to random locations. I finally pinned this problem down as a conflict with the internal automation on the DM. Even though I wasn’t using the DM automation, turning it off in the DM menu fixed the problem. I’m now wondering is a similar conflict is causing this new problem. If anyone has any suggestions for tales of similar experiences, I would welcome your input. Thanks