So I am LOVING my Model 12 so far. I bought it to use with my band live as both a PA mixer and live recorder. It’s my first serious foray into recording. This machine is so coX
however I am quickly knocking on the door of needing a few more channels, particularly as we start mic’ing the drums and doing more complex live session, I could really use the 3 more channels of the Model 16. (Plus I am intrigued by the analog mixing although no one seems to have made a side by side comparison).
howevrr there are few features the 16 lacks compared to the 12 that I feel are really essential
- ability to select whether the MTR sends for recording the individual tracks are pre comp, post comp or post EQ (Model 12 has this, Model 16 is always fixed post-comp). Thats a big issue in my view, as it forces you to choose to forgo compression for live sound if you want to record a totally “dry” track.
- swap/bounce tracks (within the MTR without having to re-record or hook up to a computer and play with the track file names) which really free up space when doing live takes... in the hustle and bustle of musicians playing, who wants to move the cables... and it opens up the stereo channels as temp parking spots.
These two features are kind of holding me back from making the upgrade straight away
so what are the odds Tascam is gonna do this?
the first feels like a physical wiring change (a switch?) (as the Model 16 is all analog through EQ... the second feels like it should be easy enough via firm ware (along with track copy, auto divide, trim all tracks).
What are the odds Tascam adds these things?
however I am quickly knocking on the door of needing a few more channels, particularly as we start mic’ing the drums and doing more complex live session, I could really use the 3 more channels of the Model 16. (Plus I am intrigued by the analog mixing although no one seems to have made a side by side comparison).
howevrr there are few features the 16 lacks compared to the 12 that I feel are really essential
- ability to select whether the MTR sends for recording the individual tracks are pre comp, post comp or post EQ (Model 12 has this, Model 16 is always fixed post-comp). Thats a big issue in my view, as it forces you to choose to forgo compression for live sound if you want to record a totally “dry” track.
- swap/bounce tracks (within the MTR without having to re-record or hook up to a computer and play with the track file names) which really free up space when doing live takes... in the hustle and bustle of musicians playing, who wants to move the cables... and it opens up the stereo channels as temp parking spots.
These two features are kind of holding me back from making the upgrade straight away
so what are the odds Tascam is gonna do this?
the first feels like a physical wiring change (a switch?) (as the Model 16 is all analog through EQ... the second feels like it should be easy enough via firm ware (along with track copy, auto divide, trim all tracks).
What are the odds Tascam adds these things?
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