Us-428 a/d converter quality


New Member
Feb 12, 2016
Gear owned
I have been using the us-428 for several years now. I really do not want to upgrade to the newer interfaces, but have been considering using the digital input to record from a Lucid ad 9624 or similar ad converter. Will that give me significantly better quality than I am getting now at 24 bit, 48khtz with the Tascam?

If not, what other options do I have? the controls on the us-428 are not found on most of the interfaces available today. This is the only way to bypass the preamps in the Tascam that I know of.
As a follow up to my previous post, I thought I would share what I have found out about the us-428 sound quality. I purchased the uh-7000 and tested it against the us-428. I am sure there might be some difference in detail at 88 htz and above, but it was undetectable to my ears and with my equipment. I am returning the uh-7000.

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