US-4x4, Windows only sees 2 inputs and 2 outputs


New Member
Jan 12, 2015
Gear owned
US-4x4, US-428
Hi all,

I just unboxed a brand new US-4x4. I'm using Windows 7 SP1 64-bit, fully updated. I installed the driver software, and the control panel has tick boxes checked for all 4 inputs. Unit is recognized by Windows. However:

- I'm only seeing 2 inputs and 2 outputs. this occurs in Guitar Rig 5, Ableton Live 9, Audacity, etc.
- Can't seem to get computer audio routed through the 4x4

Anyone have any ideas on this? I've written to Tascam support but haven't heard back, so I thought I'd check here.

Thanks in advance!
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Thats very bad not replying to you. They also didnt reply to me as well! Their support seems very bad.
Consider your self lucky with that small problem. Things are getting very worse while running US 4x4 in windows 8.1 pro 64 bit.

I have made a post about it on this post here in the forums.

I believe if they dont fix with a driver update to claim for a full refund , since those audio racks are defective from their source.
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Vonzar, you are barking up the wrong tree. This is not a TASCAM-operated site. Just users supporting each other here.

You also need to stop reposting the same thing over and over in different sections of the forum. Duplicate posts are not going to help you get support any faster.
Thank you for letting me know. I didnt know for sure. the link seems very official.
Do you know where are the official tascam forums ?
I am sorry for my reposts , I am really frastated because I paid all that money for a good USB card and I can't get to use it . It seems like wasting that money and I will fight for a full refund.
Has this been resolved? I am having the same problem. New US-4x4 with the latest driver, connected via USB to a laptop running Windows 7. The recording software (Audacity) only sees a maximum of 2 inputs. Any help much appreciated!
Are the 2 IN/OUT you see in the applications STEREO by chance? As a Windows user I'm accustomed to seeing INs and OUTs presented as stereo.

I use a US-16x08. Depending on the application, I might see only the odd channels listed, but I have the ability to specify L or R for MONO tracks.

For example, I might see channels 1, 3, 5, etc as STEREO channels for a total of 8 instead of 16. But if I have two MONO tracks, I can select IN 1-L and IN 1-R.

So for a 4x4 I might have IN-1-L, IN-1-R, IN-2-L, IN-2-R for the 4 input ports.

I don't have your interface, so I'm just pitching stuff out there
You are correct. The only way I have found so far to record 2 simultaneous tracks is to specify one stereo input, then split them into 2 mono tracks. If I specify mono input, I only get one input track.
I just checked Audacity and the problem is the way Audacity accesses the interface. ASIO would give you the greatest flexibility, but Audacity doesn't support ASIO.

Reaper is an excellent low cost DAW for individuals. A bit of a learning curve, but it has a fully functional 60 trial to see if it's right for you. The license fee is only $60 if you decide to keep using it.

There are probably others out there that are gratis or inexpensive. IIRC, Studio One (PreSonus) has a freebie level available that should be at least as functional as Audacity.
How is your interface set up in the Tascam settings panel (installed with the driver)?
Eureka - I have found it (not yet tested). I will document the steps in Windows because it is seriously buried. Here goes:

Control Panel
Hardward and Sound
Sound/Manage Audio Devices
Recording tab
Microphone (this was already set to the US-4x4 and made the default)
Advanced tab
Default Format

At this point, you can select 2 or 4 tracks. Now, when I press the record button in Audacity, I get 4 tracks. Now to plug in 4 inputs and see if they all work!

Many thanks for all your help and I hope this helps someone else!
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OK, just to confirm, I am now recording 4 inputs simultaneously. Happy to help anyone else who is having this problem.
Eureka - I have found it (not yet tested). I will document the steps in Windows because it is seriously buried. Here goes:

Control Panel
Hardward and Sound
Sound/Manage Audio Devices
Recording tab
Microphone (this was already set to the US-4x4 and made the default)
Advanced tab
Default Format

At this point, you can select 2 or 4 tracks. Now, when I press the record button in Audacity, I get 4 tracks. Now to plug in 4 inputs and see if they all work!

Many thanks for all your help and I hope this helps someone else!

Is there a way to apply this to today's windows 10?
@wackorama103 I have a US-16x08 and those instructions work for me in Win 10 Pro x64 v1909 (OS Build 18363.752)
An easier way to get there is to go to:
-Windows Settings > System
-Select "Sound" on the left hand menu.
-Then on the right side, scroll down to "Related Settings" and click "Sound Control Panel".

A new window titled "Sound" should pop up. Double-click your Tascam device under the "Recording" tab to open the "Properties" window. Select the "Advanced" tab and choose the desired number of channels, bit depth/sample rate from the drop down menu. You may want to check the bit depth/sample rate settings under the "Playback" tab in the previous window as well.
I tried the above fix in WIN10 Home Edition, and all it shows is the 2 channel options, nothing for 4 or 8 channels. I have a US-1800 going in to Audacity 2.2.3. I am using this to record 6 drum mics and have it connected via USB. Of course, only the first 2 channels come through in Audacity.

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