I used to have a shure sm58 ,but now have nothing at all, can i get away with a condenser mike for my amp and vocals in a pinch,on my dp03,and is worth paying for the sm 57 ,or is there a good mike out there for less , cheers
They always say if you had to have one mic to start with, then go an SM57. I've used them on vocals, drums, guitar, bass. Is it the best mic? Sometimes yes, sometimes no, it depends what the job is, but its very versatile.
Sure you can use the built in mics on your DP-03, but the quality you would get with a 57 will be so much better. Buy used if you want to spend less cash.
I disagree with what they say... an SM57 is a poor general purpose mic. It's good for electric guitars and snare drums, adequate for some applications, but just about useless for vocals, acoustic instruments or a room mic. You'll get much more mileage from a solid condenser. The least expensive Shure or A-T will do almost everything well.
Did you read the original post? He was wanting to use the built in mics or buy a 57 or something less expensive. How is your suggestion of a condenser mic, that will cost more than the 57, helpful?
I've made some fine recordings with my 57's including vocals. Like any mic, the results depend upon the source and who's hands they're in. In addition to my top/bottom snares, I love the SM57 on my bass cabinet along with my Audix D6. A nice blend between the two brings out my mids which means I don't have to EQ as much. Works well with my guitar cabinets too. Whether or not you're on a tight budget, a used 57 for $60 (new less than $100) more than fits the bill IMO.
Ive been messing around with recording since the early 80 s with the porta one and so on,ive never really heard the sm 57 ,58 as poor mikes, just open
a any site with pictures of established bands recording or playing live, i hate to say industry standard, but they are