What is the faders resolution with DM3200 with Mackie Control mode?


Active Member
Apr 2, 2015
Gear owned

What is the faders resolution with DM3200 with Mackie Control mode?

what is the lowest mouvement of faders does Samplitude recognize in the region between -5dB to +5dB from a track? 0.1dB, 0.2dB ,0.3dB, 0.4db or 0.5dB increments?

With Mackie Hui and the DM24, it was only 128 steps, it was only 0.5dB, so very not smooth nor accurate...
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It's probably the same in the DM3200, since communication is still done via MIDI, which has no higher resolution than 128 steps. AFAIK for any parameter.

Ofcourse, the implementation to translate these steps in a DAW can be different, though I would think they'll just stick (or have to) to the Mackie protocol.
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Thanks Arjan, but I saw that MAckie Control faders are given for 1024 steps, so could you check if little fader's mouvement with your DM3200 in Mackie Control mode are well recognize in your DAW.
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I hope I'll remember to do so next time in the studio. I use Cubase, so results may differ from Samplitude - plus I seldomly use the remote layer anyway. But I'll see next time.

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