What's the "correct" method of "Uploading" wav files to a project?


New Member
Jun 4, 2019
Gear owned
Hi MX-2424 Users.

With the gracious help of Alan (witzendoz) I was able to install and run MX-View on a rather modern'ish HP Z-420 Workstation with Windows 10 64bit without a single issue.

I did as much reading as I could find, but some things do not seem entirely clear to me....

After creating a project on the MX-2424 and connecting through MX-View (with a network switch) I had a doozy of a time trying to import mono audio tracks that I had exported from Pro Tools...

What I ended up doing was choosing "Upload" in the Import/Export window... this got the tracks transferred to the MX, but couldn't find a method of placing them in tracks in a particular project. Clicking the "Load Track" option on one of the track drop down menu (the small gray arrow) opened the Project/Track window... from which none of the imported tracks were available. At this point the only place I see the actual tracks are in the "Import/Export" window... even after they were already imported to the MX.

So the only way that I could find to place, or import audio tracks to an actual project session, was to first enable non-destructive mode on the project (which is not what I wanted, but okay).

Then with a single imported wav file selected in the Import/Export windows, choose File > Load to Clipboard.

Then with the Edit enable button turned on I would be able to paste it in from the clipboard.

I would think there is a more intuitive way to do this, no?

Any help or hint is appreciated!
Now I am saying this from memory due to being halfway round the world from my mx.

To past a wav file I believe the project must be a non-distruct project, not a tape mode project.

I think you are right copying the file to the clipboard, I think there is a paste to playhead option which places the file to a position in the project.

Things to watch, a broadcast wav file will turn up in its time position.
The file must be mono, stereo does not load
The file must be the correct bit rate and sample rate for the project

There is a tascam tutorial to do with protools but it is written for old versions of protools here

trks have to be imported into a loaded project.
trks can then be loaded into project on selected trk in edit window.
they'll load to their original time which may not match project
clipboard works too especially to paste a partial track sent out for massage paste at playhead. Clunky compared to daws but its almost 20 years old and not a daw so....Im good with the clunkiness

Not sure that's what you were looking for but hope it helps ;-)
sorry, it's been a while for me since using mx on regular basis.
Track drop down menu, has load unload rename etc pick load and you can select to load track you transferred to mx. It can be in the loaded project track list or one of the other projects on hd.

let me know if this helps. Or if it's even the same issue you're talking about. I might be able to make a quick video if needed.
Hope that helped :-)
Thanks guys... I appreciate the help. I have been too busy to play around with it, but will do so today.

Is this why on a project I imported track into started at 0:00:00 instead of 1:00:00? And is that a bad thing? I read in the manual that they start at 1:00:00 because of pre-roll

yes sometimes I export a single track for massage on daw and bring back new copy it goes to zero unless I load it to clipboard and paste at playhead or enter in a value on transport section of screen or the in out depending on what Im doing. I used to be better at this Ive forgotten much more than I remember maybe someone will chime in with better faster way.
Start a new project @ 1.00:00, on the MX. then line up all your tracks / consolidate them so they all start at bar 1 in your DAW software of choice, so that audio is recorded from bar 1 on every track, even if there's nothing recorded at the start location.

Take your MX hard disk out after dismounting on your MX & connect up to your computer, I use a SATA HD / card docking station, if SCSI drive you need buy a SCSI HD PCI adapter card instead.

Then your MX hard disk project folders should be visible, you just copy them to your MX drive.

Reinstall your MX drive, open your project & the MX will ask you if you want to import the audio files it finds in the folder.

It actually takes longer to write this all out than transfer your tracks.!
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Hello, this seems my first post here.
I struggle to transfer wav files between PC (windows 10) with installed MX-View and MX2424.
I got connection between devices, can manipulate all parameters of MX2424 from MX-View but only way i can imagine I could open wav file from Pc it is import/export string of menu and it does not work.
What am I doing wrong?

P.S. Interested in ethernet transferring at the moment.
Have a read the the thread again from the start, you need to upload to the clipboard and then paste where you want it, if the file is a broadcast wav (time stamped like the original MX wav files) it will turn up in that position, if not you can paste to playhead in the paste options.

Again as I said earlier int he thread:
The file must be mono, stereo does not load
The file must be the correct bit rate and sample rate for the project

Also check out here, even though it was for protools and some info does not apply, the other info is very helpful, this was the tutorial that I used to work it all out in the first place. (actually I think I was the first person to actually get the wav from computer to work LOL)


Thanks a lot, Alan.

When I try to paste mono 24-bit 44kHz wav file onto any track It says "Zero length file". I just copy the file with Window's explorer. Did You mean this way to copy?
Just in case, I can set but can't save type of encoding as bcsfWAV 24-bit. Do I have to change the format of the disk to something other than AppleHFS+ ?
Sorry for the noobish questions. :)
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I am confused with what you are doing.

You use mx view, go to import export, download files. You will get a file explore window. Find the file you want to load. I’m trying to remember the next bit but it’s something like copy to clipboard.

Then you go into the project and past the file from the paste options.

Why has apple hfs been mentioned? This went out with the ark. It was only ever used because that’s what old protools used, the mx makes this type of file when you format the drive in the mx as hfs+ but don’t use it, always use fat32. That way you get wav files.


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