Windows 7 64-bit, Sonar X1d and Tascam FW-1082


New Member
Sep 28, 2012
Gear owned
hi, im in need of some help...i use windows 7 64 and sonar x1d and recently purchesed the tascam fw 1082 as a firewire interface/controller...i got all the drivers installed and even reset the fw 1082 and finally got sonar 2 recognise when i make changes in the counsel view the faders on the 1082 move and when i hit play the "play" light lights up but i cant use the controller in the programm and i dont git any audio sound in playback, neither over the monitors or the headphones...can anyone help me resolve this issue so i can finally use my homestudio again????
Re: need help asap please

Hi there. In Sonar x1 alot of remote controll stuff does not work in the 64bit version. But I assume you have setup the machine using Mackie Controll and you assigned the right in and output?

Re: need help asap please

No i had it set as native and left but i will try what u said thankx
Re: need help asap please

Still cant get it to work....
Re: need help asap please

Thankx for the info but its still not working, the drivers provided by tascam for windows 7 and sonar just gonna sell the 1082 and not get any tascam products no more.
Re: need help asap please

What's not working? Cause we have very little to go on...

Have you setup the ASIO drivers

Have you setup Mackie Controll.

When you have done both the unit should work and work...
Re: need help asap please

Ive set up the ASIO and according 2 sonar i need 2 set it up as native not mackie controll...the device is recognised in sonar n if i move the fader in the DAW the faders on the tascam move but not visa versa and i dont git no audio playback at all i cant controll the DAW and half the time thankx 2 the drivers i got from tascam my pc crashes on me...
Re: need help asap please

SoC said:
if i move the fader in the DAW the faders on the tascam move but not visa versa and i dont git no audio playback at all i cant controll the DAW
How about posting screenshots on Sonar of the screens where you define remote controls and audio I/O. This could help Sonar guys (or maybe even me ... though I don't use sonar) to identify your problem.

SoC said:
half the time thankx 2 the drivers i got from tascam my pc crashes on me...
Details about the crash, please. When does it happen? Why are you sure it's "thankx 2 the drivers i got from tascam"? Any details about the problem may help to identify it.

SoC said:
im just gonna sell the 1082 and not get any tascam products no more.
Come on! This kind of attitude leads nowhere. You may have as serious problems with non-TASCAM hardware aswell. If you give up with a brand after some kind of troubles, you'll soon run out of brands manufacturing computer audio interfaces.
Re: need help asap please

I already did the trouble shooting with sonar they cant help me said its a "tascam problem" i was on the phone with them for over an hr...and tascam couldnt help me either was on the phone with them for system never crashed with any other products but tascam my screen goes blue says pc gotta be zhut off so windows wont mess up...only after i installed the tascam drivers has this normally a presonus user love their products never had issues with them...i only bouth the tascam cause a friend said its a good deal....
Re: need help asap please

Check the second link on the deering site. It's all there.

It is a good investment. But you need to learn how to set this up. When you have something set wrong it won't work... It's that simple.
Re: need help asap please

Ok...ill give it one last try
Re: need help asap please

Hey Soc !!!,

Why don't you try this...

I hope this will help you out. The Fw units Tascam released is from way back so it could be possible that you have to change your Fw port to Legacy mode to prevent your unit to have a conflict with your computer which might indicate the flashing.
New can handle old but not vice versa. Also try a gold plated Cable and update your drivers to the latest as mentioned.

Also you do have to install your 1802 as a mackie controller as it is a universall setting for daw controllers, if you disagree research it.

I hope your unit is working after all this.
Re: need help asap please

Thankx for all the help and info but even all that never got it to worked with cubase but not the x1...cakewalk tried helpin me as well but didnt work out...tascam didnt respond to my phone calls, msgs left or emails i i sold it on ebay...and i wont be buying tascam products any more just due 2 the horrible customer service...cakewalk called me within 48hrs to help its been 4 weeks and no respond from very disapointed with that...
Re: need help asap please

I'm sorry to hear that. But we knew that. The FW device you own should be working with Sonar. But sometimes going from one DAW to another can be quite hard...

Wish you well..
Re: need help asap please

Yea it should have worked with it Nd i wish it would have but oh well. Thankx
Re: need help asap please

There are forums for Sonar users that have people well versed in getting the tascam controllers to work with it. Search them out. There are PDf's and Code to install just for Sonar/Tascam users. Good Luck.
Re: need help asap please

I had mine working in windows 7, had to install drivers as Admin. Installed the Tascam Sonar driver as well. I have switched to Presonus Studio One with the FW-1884 and have never looked back. Runs flawless, no crashes.

Sometimes I have to load up Sonar and all the freezing and crashes come back. I will never use Sonar again.

My first test with Studio One I left the computer on for three days and used it for three days and not one problem....its Sonar.
Re: need help asap please

doing better than me. i can't even get mine to register on either of my computers.

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