Workflow Question


New Member
May 18, 2021
Gear owned
Tascam Model 16, Logic X
First off hi! :) I’m very new to the Model 16 as it was a gift a few months ago.

I really love it, just wondering how the exported audio will line up in Logic?

Like, if I use a MIDI drum machine or e-kit, will the tempo/bpm data transfer over - or will I be doing a lot of nudging of tracks already built in Logic?

Ideally I’d like to use the 16 for working out ideas then pushing over the best takes to Logic.

...just don’t know how that would work.

Thx all! :D
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I just take my SD card out of my Model 16, put it in the reader, copy the files to my HD, then open them in Logic. No loss of info at all. Mind you, I pay little attention to the set BPM, etc. in any Logic project - I nudge them to fit what I've imported.

I hope that helps!
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You’re welcome: please share with us your workflow when you get situated!
Welcome to the Tascam Forums, @Anna_X.

Nudging tracks is a standard practice when using a DAW. It's just a way of life. I'll do a fully MIDI sync'd drum track and still have to nudge it a few ms just to get the feel right. Some tunes sound better when the drums are pushing the beat (a few ms ahead) and others sound better if they are just behind the beat - it depends on the groove. Just do your tracks in full confidence that a little nudging either way will get it into the pocket. It may sound daunting at first but after you do it a few times you'll think nothing of it.

Also, since the Model 16 doesn't have MTC, if you can afford a track for a click, I would generate a click track at the proper BPM and then record it as an audio track. When you import your tracks you can select all of them together along with that audio click track and just line up the click to the grid, moving all the tracks as a group. Once you get to that point you can move the click track out of the project for storage or just mute it.
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MIDI Time Code. Sometimes a device will have MMC (MIDI Machine Control) and it will Start/Stop/RW/FF etc., but since there is no timecode the timing will drift.
Thanks @Blue Monster 65. There are a number of users on the forum that are always good for answers.
you young kids have no idea how easy you have it, time shifting, autotune. Try recording bass WITH drums in a studio,with everyone else watching you. And the drummist screws up the second to last beat.........take two!....same thing arrrrrgh take eight oh for chrissake! hehe

ahhhh sweet memories.........

welcome to Tascam World and feel free to share your progress. Lots of friendly and helpfull people here.
Must … resist … urge … to tell bass player and drummer jokes … :D

Sorry - back to the topic at hand!

Yes - computer editing is a breeze and a pleasure, compared to tape and razor (though I was good and fast with that). Most of my work was voice overs, but I recorded a few bands, including one where the guitarist did 30 takes of a single solo … and never did get it exactly “right”. The bass player finally stepped in and nailed it on take two. I never again recorded another band unless it was my own or a live recording.

Hopefully none of us will ever have to go thru that sort of thing again.

Good luck with your journey, Anna X - ask all the questions you can and get going with your recording! You’ve picked some great tools to get started with.
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