Working DM-24 with meter bridge for trade


Active Member
Jul 20, 2014
Auburn, CA
Gear owned
MX-2424 DM-3200
ive got a DM-24 plus meter bridge that I replaced recently. Can't seem to sell them at any price. Does someone want to make a trade? I'll entertain any offers, but shipping is out of the question. The deal will have to go down in the Sacramento, CA area.
Hi; what are you wishing to trade for, and why opposed to shipping? I'm disabled and can't travel to Sacramento from MO (could've 30 years ago, but it's beside the point). Thanks, and good day.
I guess just about any audio or musical item would be fair game for consideration. Compressors, effects units, guitar stomp boxes, percussion instruments, microphones - you name it. It just seems a shame for a perfectly usable piece of equipment like the DM-24 to be sitting around. I got very little response when I tried to sell it outright, so I thought I'd offer it for trade to see what pops up. I would ship the unit but it would have to be at the buyers expense. Shipping is not cheap for such a large and heavy item.
Hello and thanks for your kind reply. (Nice photo, guess I'll have to find one of my old band photos from the 70's to see if I have anything when I played guitar!) I haven't had time to go though everything on the forum, but there is so much there. I usually lurk and learn, but had to respond to your notice. After I reread your thread and reply to me, I felt even more retired & decrepit than usual due to my misinterpretation. (Some days are definitely more senile than others, something to do with the bang on the head:). I misread, left out the DM24 (PLUS) meter bridge, and thought you had only the -meter bridge- which no one wanted to buy or trade for; a big oops is in order, and sorry about that.

What type of gear do you desire are you really in need of? I can certainly put a list together, and am sure I have something that would be helpful for you. I had to retire on disablility and no longer play outside of home - since the docs botched a shoulder surgery a couple years ago, not good for musicions - I only play with my ideas, to amuse myself and wife and the studio mascot, and what a great hobby for an old player. While I know the DM-24 is way heavier than my Peavey 16 Versamix plus the StudioCraft I had to make do with for years, I imagine the DM probably tips the scales at 65-70 pounds from what little I've been troubleshooting it. I'm in MO, and though the gas has dropped, UPS never got the memo (most likely ignored it), so I imagine the shipping would be as much for ground transport as when I sold a vintage Mosrite 15 years ago, and shipped it to a VP at A-mazone next day DHL, and I wish those guys were still around. It went there on the plane, in a wooden guitar case, surrounded by solid foam, 2 layers of cardboard and reinforced strapping tape, which was over $100.
I have vintage rack gear (purchased new) from when I built my first home studio in the mid 90's, and have always been a stickler for keeping my gear clean and in good working order. We had to move away from the city a couple of years ago, and a friend finally helped me to take some wall/partitions out downstairs for studio #2, the final version. While I don't have much in the way of mikes, I have some EQ's and compressors, and even an MXR phase shifter, in great shape. Recently I was bequeathed a bunch of studio equipment from a friends' relative, who had a working multi-track studio, including my own DM-24, and multiple reel to reel decks (Tascam, Teac, and even a semi-functional MCI 16-track 2" transport, which is 450 pounds of deadweight compared to the DM:). I still have a working ADAT, which no one want either. I suppose like your DM, the younger kids just don't understand that all the older tools are where this tech came from. My DM that I came into, sat for a couple of years before I came into it, but after reinitializing it, and doing some cleaning, it seems to have some new life. The screen has the usual few lines running through it, as the former owner didn't have any passive or active cooling. I would rather invest in a trade than to finding a replacement LCD, or going the route of the adaptation to USB/flat cable for an outside monitor, as much as my old eyes would appreciate it. Buying that stuff from europe and having it shipped over to the states is almost as problematic as shipping DM24s by land from you to me.

Apologies, didn't mean to bang out at such length; let me know if you want to talk or com outside the WWW, as I don't want to violate any rules and get a mod or member upset with me:) Thanks again, S.
Thanks for your reply. It sounds like you and I have much in common. I'll be interested to see your equipment list.

Let's move this discussion to private email. You can reach me at


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