Hello Tascam fans, from beautiful Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. I'm another(?) older guy, eligible for the seniors' menu at many fine restaurants. After 40 years in the audio and radio industries I'm now an adjunct professor at the Brandon University School of Music. Hopefully I'll be able to answer some questions but I know I'll be asking many, many more!
Many thanks to the organizers of this site for tackling such an enormous task. The site looks great, functions perfectly, and judging by the number of posts, it must be very popular. Great work, gentlemen! (If there are ladies involved as well, please forgive my political incorrectness.)
Scott Howarth
A proud, but often frustrated DM-3200 owner
Many thanks to the organizers of this site for tackling such an enormous task. The site looks great, functions perfectly, and judging by the number of posts, it must be very popular. Great work, gentlemen! (If there are ladies involved as well, please forgive my political incorrectness.)
Scott Howarth
A proud, but often frustrated DM-3200 owner