DM3200 / 4800 LCD Alternative

Best to get 2seemy card. You'll be replacing a replacement in 3 years.
I'll buy a 2seemy, however, that faulty screen bothers me a lot and I do not want to spend $ 200 on it ... even a screen with a few lines for me would be enough, my is practically black! : /
Someone with a screen with a few lines available for sale? : D
I have one with about 3 lines that I replaced with a new one last summer.
Has anyone figured out exactly what goes wrong with these screens? Maybe there is a way to fix them. I replaced mine about two years ago and it had been working fine. Normally, I keep my DM3200 turned on all the time. It had been on pretty much non-stop (except for a couple of restarts) since I installed my last replacement screen. A couple of months ago I went on vacation and turned it off while I was way. I was gone for 2 weeks. When I returned I turned on the console and there were about 10 lines on the screen where there had been none1 Kind of shocking really. The last one I replaced started with a line at a time and got worse over time. This was completely un-usable after the one extended shut down that I did! There must be a way to fix these things. Any ideas?
If you do either a search on the forum or Google search you will find the answer. In short, heat and poor design (pins glued to LCD connectors) cause the problem. There are no easy or sure fixes which is why the 2SeeMy option is so attractive as it's the only bullet proof solution. I've personally gone through 3 screens in 6 years between 2 DM3200's. In my opinion, do the math and don't waste your time trying to save a screen that was terminally ill at birth and get the 2SeeMy card. The card also allows you to display the LCD on your computer via it's USB port.
Is the 2SeeMy card a VGA interface and an LCD display unto itself? Or is it just an interface?
What goes into the space previously used by LCD monitor? Or is it still there? And if so, will it operate as well as the VGA connector?

Thanks CMaffia! I looked at the 2SeeMy site and wasn't able to get answers to these questions.
Dude... look at the site.. a little effort on your part please...

If you can't do a simple investigation into the product then I have doubts you can install it because the necessary step by step instructions are on the site...
I have installed it and its a great alternative and works excellent! (seemy)
hey all,
the 2seemy option is out of business. Are there any alternatives to replace my dm-4800 screen?
@Dimitris Barnias Please search for the content that you seek in this sub forum. You will discover that there have been purchases made of third party displays as recently as several months ago. Good luck!
I though this is a sub forum... maybe i didn't searched deep enough but up to know i can't find any specific info, besides 2seemy which is gone, ebay (very general info) and a guy at Reverb where i've read also that result are unpredictable. I contacted my local Tascam dealer and still haven't received an answer more than a week now. I would appreciate if someone can point me to a working link.
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