Scribble strips, console tape... what do you do?

Does lighter fluid contain just naphtha? Or are there possibly other petroleum compounds included? If any concern, you can get naphtha at almost any hardware store, including the big ones, such as Home Depot or Lowes.

Good question Skier, the last bottle I purchased in CA. a few years ago says prominently on the bottle 'contains naphtha' and the bottle I bought in Arizona recently has no such labeling. Maybe it's a prop. 65 thing. Now you have me thinking Arizona fluid may be better (more naphtha and other aromatic solvents) vs. the California stuff.

Southern California Home Depot stores stopped carrying MEK and other high aromatic solvents a couple years ago, including pure Naphtha.

I use a lot of this lighter fluid stuff as it's also great for removing road grease and flack from a car without removing too much wax. I'll stock up if I move back to Cali, and that goes for MEK too.

I miss MEK also. It used to be the primary agent in a product called "Inhibisol", marketed as a "tuner cleaner" years ago to clean dirty TV channel tuners. Iworked great to clean any kinds of contacts from switches to relay contacts, even potentiometers. It was removed from the market due to reports it caused neuropsychological reactions and something to do with low altitude ozone. But I miss the ease with which it cleaned contacts even smelled good. (Hmmm... is that a neuropsychological memory?)

Doesn't lighter fluid also contain some butane? All these VOCs have health risks; best used with good ventilation.
Butane boils at -1C, you may be thinking of pressurized butane lighter fluid which is another entirely different product with no useabke cleaning properties, though it can be used to kill warts since it's cryogenic.

Thanks mods for letting ths thread go.
The one I use is medium width green painters tape. I've seen it in blue but the one I use doesn't leave any residue.
The nice thing about electrical tape is that they have it in silver and grey. Bet there's a close match to the DM surface out there somewhere.
Actually, I have white and red electrical tape. I guess that they come in a rainbow of colors. Sure to put a smile on every electricians face!
Butane boils at -1C, you may be thinking of pressurized butane lighter fluid which is another entirely different product with no useable cleaning properties, though it can be used to kill warts since it's cryogenic.

Valid point, thanks!

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