I have just acquired a 2488 Neo with firmware 1.10. I see on the Tascam website there is a newer version of the firmware, Version 1.11. Does anyone know what the difference (s) between the 2 versions are?
Tascam support finally responded to my question regarding the update and asked why I wanted to update. I told them I thought whenever a new update came out, that was the norm. I was told if my system was operating fine at the moment not to update. I was also told that this support person was unaware of the 1.11 update and had no idea what it actually did. He said he was going to look into it write me back but I never heard anything more. That was 3 months ago. So I have the update but based on tech support's response I haven't attempted it. I'll be curious to hear if you have any issues or notice anything different in operation.
Aside from the 8 additional channels that only play in reverse, so far it seems normal. The UI was in Mandarin before wasn't it?
I'll let you know if I find anything amiss. Of course I may be out of luck if I do. I don't know if the neo can be downgraded and I don't know where a copy of 1.10 is anyhow.
Generally I agree with the cautionary approach of upgrading only to fix problems but with an older unit like this I will usually go with the latest assuming if it had serious problems they would have yanked the update some time ago.
I will say this. I would love to have a dp2488 neo. I really like the dp, but it lost some very nice features from the neo that would be great to have especially "scene memories" and "quick routes". It also has a more flexible effect section with features like the pitch shifter and gated reverb. Don't know if they are as noisy as the "guitar effects" on the dp24. Effects also make more sense in the neo. Calling them "guitar effects" was just silly on the dp24.
The neo also has other conveniences like
- mono monitoring
- monitor output mute switch
- Fader Null screen that shows recalled values vs physical positions.
- Visual routing screen
By the way, my neo has about 150GB drive in it. I have 4 32GB partitions and some unallocated space. Did that become the factory standard drive for the neo or did the previous owner upgrade it?