2Seemy - is their website down?


Jan 19, 2014
Gear owned
Tascam DM 3200 + IF-FW_DMMK II
Hi everyone,
after having had no success yesterday, I tried again this evening to reach the 2Seemy website. The site is not responding. Is it just me or can anyone confirm?
Got the card a few days ago, and now I wanted to contact them, but it's almost as if the site vanished...

Thanks for checking this out, and the email address, Peter!
Thanks to your post some weeks ago I got myselfs a 2seemy- card now, and it's really worth it. I am happy :) Should the built in monitor die, I can rest assured, for the vga-monitor I got myself recently, is a bit more flexible.

The only thing I noticed (and that's really all for what I wanted to revisit their site) is: while the "From UC", and "To LCD" connectors require the connection band to be facing upwards, the smaller band's connectors must be connected downwards, so: facing down with the metal strips. Not a big issue, you can guess it relatively quickly. So, the first two times, my monitor did not work, and I wanted to revisit the site, and look for the pictures, in case I had overseen something. It did not work with their site. Fortunately there are other sources with the pictures. And some videos on Youtube. But all fail in showing that twist in the band with the smaller width^^

So - their site is at least two days down now...
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@snafu It looks like the new revamped 2seemy site is back up and running.
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Thank you very much for pointing this out, Peter! Glad, they just got face lift ;-)
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Still a work in progress I guess, with French being the only language..
But the photos pages look much better!
Hi I am new to this forum. Don't know why I didn't join years ago.
I was just lucky enough to buy a brand new, in box DM-4800.
1 I am interested in getting my screen to output to a computer monitor (is this possible with anything other than the 2SeeMy adapter since they're no longer producing them)
2 The fire-wire? card (included) only has 1 (not 2) din plugs so I don't know what that is.
3 Is the MU-1000 24 Meter Bridge that necessary ? Is it worth the investment?

I've been a long time user of the Tascam, from the 2488, then the 2488MKII, then the DP-32 (which is trash compared to the two previous) and now the DM-4800. The DM-4800 I am totally new to. Thank you all. Ron
If you don't like your DP-32 there are many people that would be happy to take it off your hands.
Hi I am new to this forum. Don't know why I didn't join years ago.
I was just lucky enough to buy a brand new, in box DM-4800.
1 I am interested in getting my screen to output to a computer monitor (is this possible with anything other than the 2SeeMy adapter since they're no longer producing them)
2 The fire-wire? card (included) only has 1 (not 2) din plugs so I don't know what that is.
3 Is the MU-1000 24 Meter Bridge that necessary ? Is it worth the investment?

I've been a long time user of the Tascam, from the 2488, then the 2488MKII, then the DP-32 (which is trash compared to the two previous) and now the DM-4800. The DM-4800 I am totally new to. Thank you all. Ron

Hi, and welcome to the bright side :)
referring to your questions:
1) Unfortunately this seems to be the only way, at least to my knowledge :(
2) I could err on this, but most likely this is a IF-FW/DM mkI instead of mkII. Maybe someone will clarify - I have to guess on this, sorry!
3) Depends... I personally have neither the space nor can I make use of it - you can always read out your balistics on a computer screen, if you have TC companion installed an everything wired up via firewire.

best regards
Hi @Burning_Buddha, and welcome!
Snafu is right AFAIK on point 1, but I believe the original IF-FW/DM (Mk.I) had two FireWire connectors (the Mk.II has one), but just like the Mk.II also two MIDI connectors. Don't know about any IF-FW with only one MIDI connector..

The meterbridge is something I've done without since I own the DM-3200 and I never missed having it. Also, I don't have the space for it.
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